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When they made it back to the Beaver's dam, Mrs. Beaver started rushing and packing stuff for the journey. Oliver stopped when he heard something running towards them.

''The secret police.'' He whispers and Peter looks at him and they start by making sure Lucy had her coat as did Susan and Oliver made Peter had his and That they were down the tunnel fairly fast.

''Will we need jam?'' Susan asked out loud while packing. ''Only if the Witch wants toast.'' Oliver and Peter sass back when they wear the police or the wolves trying to get in. Oliver rushes everyone into the tunnels. ''I thought this led to ur mums?'' Mrs. Beaver says while running.

''Just be glad it doesn't.'' Beaver says and they all keep running. Oliver turns slightly to see a shadow or shadows running behind them and tells them all to hurry up. Mr and Mrs. Beaver climbed up out of the hole while Peter helped Lucy up and jumped up after her and Oliver helps up Susan before pulling himself up.

Him and Peter grab a nearby barrell and put it in the hole so the can't follow them. They brother turn when they hear a gasp and see Lucy and Susan watching Beaver looking down at what looks to be a badger. ''He was my best friend.'' Oliver frowns.

The white witch was on a rampage and this wasn't good not with his brother in the middle of it. ''Good evening folks.'' A voice says and they turn to see a fox walking up to them from behind. ''What do you want?'' Beaver asks angrily as Oliver pushes his siblings behind him and got them ready to run. ''Sorry but poor family genetics but you'd want to hide for now if you don't want to be taken.'' The fox says.

''What do you suggest?'' Oliver steps forward and the foxes eyes widen. The fox bows. ''Your Majesty.''

The four siblings and the Beavers and sat in the tree while the fox wandered below them. The wolves came from the pushes and cornered him. ''Gentlemen what brings the rush?'' He asks with a sly grin trying to keep his cool.

''Where are they fox?'' Maugrim, captain of the secret police, asks him. ''Now why don't we talk this out boys?'' The fox tries to back up but Maugrim launches and bites into him making Lucy gasp and for Peter to cover her mouth to not be heard.

Oliver sighed and leaned his head against the tree trunk trying to calm his beating heart. ''West. They went west.'' The fox falsely reveals and the wolves drop him and they take off west. The fox groans as the siblings come out of the tree and the beavers reach the fox.

Mrs. Beaver tries to clean up the foxes wounds by the fore they had lit but he kept moving. ''Will you stop moving?! You're worse then Beaver on bath day.'' She complains and continues to clean up the fox. ''Worst day of the year.'' eaver grunts making the others laugh.

Oliver stood by a tree looking out onto the cliffs where they would soon travel. ''That's all the time I have for rest. I must be going and continue recruiting for Aslan's army.'' He tells them and the Beavers gasp. ''You've seen Aslan? What's he like?'' They ask and the fox grins.

''Just as great as the stories portray and he's waiting for you to command your army looking over at Oliver who kicked off the tree and walked towards the fire and knelt down in front of the fox. ''Getting my brother back is my top priority right now but after we'll see where things go.'' He smiles at the fox and fox bows. ''I'll see you then your majesty.'' And with that the fox took off into the woods in search of comrades for Aslan's army.

''Can Aslan really get our brother back?'' Susan asks again and Oliver stands with a sigh. ''Aslan is the most greater being in this land. If anyone can do it, he can.'' Oliver says gazing at his siblings with so much faith in Aslan that they couldn't believe it.

The next day as they were walking Oliver had Lucy on his back with his other two siblings walking beside him. Beaver kept giving out that they had to keep going faster. ''If he tells us to hurry up one more time I'm going to turn him into a fur hat.''

Oliver huffs and adjusts Lucy o his arms were more comfortable. Lucy and the others laugh at his threat when they heard something behind them. They all turn to see something coming towards them. ''A sleigh?'' Oliver asks aloud and Beaver paniks. ''It's her. She's coming. Quickly hide.'' He says and Oliver takes Lucy off his back and grabs her hand instead and they run for shelter under an overhanging piece of land off the road.

After a minute or two they heard the sleigh come to a stop right outside where they were sitting. ''I'm going to take a look.'' Oliver says going to get up and check when Beaver pushes him back. ''Your no good to Narnia dead.'' The beaver tells the boy and Mrs. Beaver grabs her husbands arm. ''Neither are you.'' MRs. Beaver says wanting her husband to stay. ''Thanks dear.'' He says crawling out the side of the hiding place and up onto the main path.

A few moments pass before Beaver's head pops out from the top making everyone below jump at this. ''Hope you've all been good this year. Someone's got a surprise for you.'' He tells them and they all come out of the hiding to see Santa Claus standing in front of them and Lucy immediately runs to him.

''I can't believe it.'' Peter and Susan say making Oliver laugh and throw his arms around their shoulders. ''Welcome to Narnia kids.'' He teases them walking up to Lucy and Santa still with his siblings under his arms. ''Oliver my boy it's good to see you once more.'' Santa says hugging the older boy who laughs at him. ''It has been a long time.'' Lucy quickly jumps in asking for presents and the other laugh and chuckle at her excitement.

''Of course young one. For you.'' He says giving her the cordial and the dagger. ''Juice of the fire flower. One drop of it will cure any injury. And this although I hope you never have to use it.'' He tells her. ''Thank you sir. I think I can be brave enough.'' She says unsure of herself and Oliver places a warming hand on her shoulder for confidence.

''I'm sure you could battles are ugly affairs.'' Santa tells her and then smiles before standing and looking through his bag once more. ''Susan, trust in this bow and it will not easily miss.'' He tells her. ''What happens to battles are ugly affairs?'' She asks him and he chuckles. ''I know you have no problem wit being heard but blow this and help with come.'' He says and passes her a horn engraved with a lion's head on top.

''Peter, the time to use these may be near at hand.'' He says handing Peter a sword and shield. Peter draws his sword slowly, admiring each part of it. ''Thank you sir.'' He thanks and Oliver smiles at his brother who grins back at him.

''Oliver, I'm sure you're quite familiar in the art of using a sword but I know you have a liking for spears. Treat them with care and they will help you in return.'' The old man tells him handing him a sword much like Peter's but also a spear with a similar handle to that of the sword and a point so sharp it could cut silence.

''These are tools not toys. Bare them well and wisely. Now I must be off. Winter is almost over. Things can pile up when you've been gone for over 100 years.'' He says and jumps back onto his sleigh and everyone shouts their farewells. ''He said winter was almost over.'' Peter says and Oliver gasps. ''No more ice.''

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