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The trek Cair Paravel wasn't as long as the siblings had originally thought. They reached the magnificent castle the following day after the battle once Oliver felt well enough to ride on a horse once more.

The day of the coronation was upon them in no time and they had all been dressed in their best robes. Oliver were a dark maroon colour with white fur trimming on his cloak.

He approached the entrance of the throne room where all of siblings had already gathered. ''You lot brush up nicely.'' He teases them as they all turn around to see their brother in his ceremonial robes. ''Says you. You like a real king.'' Peter tells his brother and Oliver laughs before throwing his arm around his brother's shoulder.

''Good because you are all about to become such.'' Aslan cuts in making the siblings nod at him with a smile. Aslan and the four younger Pevensie's walked at the side of the lion while Oliver walked behind them.

His four younger siblings all stood in their position at their thrones and Oliver followed suit, standing in front of the throne that was in the middle.

''To the Glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant.'' Aslan begins as Mr. Tumnus steps forward and places Lucy's crown atop her head with a smile and he bows.

''To the Great Western Woods, I give you King Edmund the Just.'' Mr. Tumnus places another upon the boys head. ''To the Radiant Southern Sun, I give you Queen Susan the Gentle.'' Aslan says once more a crown similar to Lucy's is placed on her head.

''To the Clear Northern Skies, I give you King Peter the Magnificent.'' A silver crown was placed on Peter's head and Oliver smiled at his siblings. ''And to the new Ultimate Ruler of Narnia, I give you True High King Oliver the Courageous.'' Aslan announces loudly and golden crown much like his brothers was placed on his head.

Aslan turned to face them. ''Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia.'' He tells them and then turns back to face the crowd. ''All hail King Oliver, all hail King Peter, all hail King Edmund, all hail Queen Susan, all hail Queen Lucy.'' The crowd cheered and the siblings smiled widely at one another.

Oliver looks into the crowd to see many of the people he fought with or who helped him along the way to get him and siblings to where they are now and he was eternally grateful.

The celebrations carried long into the night. Lucy stood at the balcony looking out onto the sea and beach where she saw Aslan talking with her oldest brother. Mr. Tumnus comes up from behind Lucy and leans onto the railing beside her.

''When will he be back?'' She asks him and the faun shrugs. ''He comes and goes as he pleases. No one truly knows when he'll be back and now with your older brother in charge of all of Narnia who knows when he'll need to return.'' Mr. Tumnus explains to the girl and she nods upset but in understanding.

''Come. Let's go back to these celebrations.'' He says and guides back inside for a dance.

Oliver stood in front of the great lion and bows to him. ''I'll do you proud Aslan.'' The boy tells the lion and Aslan smiles. ''I know you will my boy. Be careful.'' He says and Oliver kneels to give the lion a hug and Aslan leans against him in return.

The British boy watches as the lion makes his way down the rest of the beach towards his own country. Oliver gazes back along the rest of the beach to find his four younger siblings running towards him waving their hands in the air. He smiles and takes off running towards them. Them all meeting in the middle in a big group hug. Happy that everyone was finally back together again.

15 years later

Five horses raced through the forest, their riders laughing yelling while trying to catch the white stag. Oliver, now thirty two years of age, stops and looks back to see Susan and Lucy behind him, Peter soon following.

''Where's Edmund?'' The oldest brother asks and all the siblings laugh at him. ''He's twenty six and you still worry about him. About all of us.'' Peter says with a smile and Oliver scoffs playfully. ''It's my job as your older brother.'' He defends and Edmund finally catches up, having heard some of the conversation.

''You stress too much.'' Edmund tells him and others laugh. ''What happened to 'You girls stay at the castle I'll catch this stag myself' huh Ed?'' Susan teases making Lucy laugh. She stops though when she looks up and sees a lamp post. ''What's this?'' She says and jumps from her horse and approaches it, the others following suit.

''It's like a dream.'' Peter mentions and his two brothers nod. ''Or a dream of a dream.'' Lucy says and gasps. ''Spare Oam.'' She says and takes off through the forest. ''Lucy. Not again.'' Oliver says taking off after her with the other close behind him.

They reach an area of thick trees and enter only to all become squished together. ''Ah my toe.'' ''Move over.'' ''Are these trees fluffy?'' The five siblings fall from the wardrobe onto the floor just as the door opened to the room.

There stood professor Kirke holding the baseball from the baseball they had been playing the day they left. Oliver looks around and realises they've come back and gasps. ''Oh no.'' He says and the professor and the other kids look at him.

''What's wrong?'' Susan asks him. ''I'm seventeen again. You know what that means?'' He looks at his brother who gasp, having completely forgotten. ''You're being drafted.'' The brother gasp and the professor and the girls gasp. ''WHAT?!''

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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