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It was like slow motion for Oliver when before the two armies collided. He could hear the whines of the Narnians when the true battle began. Bashing and clashing of creature and swords. Oliver couldn't comprehend what he was doing. All he knew was that he was taking down the enemy to free Narnia and get back to all of his siblings alive.

He looked to his side to see Peter handling his own and then above him to see the phoenix coming down towards the battle. Oliver watched as the phoenix left a line fire just like they had planned. Oliver stopped and stared at the ice witch pass through the fire after freezing it. Oliver gritted his teeth. Plan B it is. ''Draw them to the rocks.'' He yells and the Narnian army start their charge back towards where they will have the advantage with all the archers them.

Oliver slayed every beast in his path trying to get back to the rocks and watch his younger brothers during the battle. What he didn't expect was to be thrown from his stallion.

He lands on the ground with a thud and and watched from behind himself as Oreus and a rhino charged at the white witch who was now on foot. ''No. Don't.'' He tries to warn them but it was two late and Oliver watched as they went to attack but Jadis had turned them to stone and was aiming straight for Oliver.

She was trying to finish what they started all those years ago. Oliver stood but before he could do anything he saw Edmund jump from the rock above Jadis and attempt to strike her down. Jadis turns and attacks the boy but Edmund manages to strike her wand and crush it in half a bright blue light shining around it.

While Edmund attacked, Oliver used this as his opportunity to run up to them from behind. He watched as the witch was angered and went to strike Edmund down but Oliver had pushed his youngest brother out of the way and taken the blow.

Oliver could hear the yells of his brothers and some of the Narnians nearby but he ignored them and looked straight up at the witch before she ripped her wand from his stomach and Oliver went strike at her again using the adrenaline he had left and they started to dance around one another in battle.

Edmund and Peter watched in shock as their brother fought the witch while also bleeding out of his stomach. They hadn't realised the strength of their older brother by a long shot and how far he would go to protect his family.

Oliver struck the witch once more leaving a nasty scar on her face making him smirk. ''I'll beat you this time.'' The witch hissed and pushed the boy, who was already unsteady as it was, and he fell to the ground as Jadis pinned him with her foot.

Oliver sighed thinking that this was the end but then he heard it. The most ferocious roar he had ever heard from the lion. This gave him hope once more as he grabbed his spear that had been thrown to his side after falling from his back. He grabs the spear and uses it to strike the witch making her release him.

He stands as quickly as he can and watches the fear on witch's face when he drives his spear through her middle with his spear while she simultaneously drives a dagger through his shoulder blade. ''Your reign is over Bitch.'' He smirks to her as he lets go of his spear making her fall.

Susan and Lucy run over to Edmund who is on the ground after being pushed by Oliver. Peter joined them and they all hugged. Susan pulls back in worry. ''Where's Oliver?'' She asks and Edmund and Peter gasp before they all get up and run to where they last saw Oliver with the witch.

They stop when they see their brother standing up right. ''Oliver you're alright.'' Lucy says with a smile. Oliver turns to face them and they all gasp with horror. The boy was still bleeding profusely from his stomach and now they could see the dagger sticking out from his shoulder.

Blood trickled down from his lip also and that's when they watched his knees crumple and he falls onto his side after all the energy finally left his body now that his siblings her all alive and safe.

''OLIVER.'' The siblings yell and all slide onto their knees at their brother's side. His eyes still slightly opened and his breaths coming out as gasps. ''I'm sorry kids. I'm sorry I couldn't be a better brother.'' He whispers not having enough energy to talk and all the children have tears trickling down their faces.

''No Oliver you've been the best brother ever.'' Edmund tells his brother, grabbing onto the dying boys hand. ''I'm glad.'' The dying boy says and that's when Edmund feels the already weak grip on his hand lessen. ''Lucy your cordial.'' Peter says quickly remembering it.

Lucy gasps and pulls it from her belt, pouring a drop into her oldest brothers mouth. Susan places her two hands on her brother cheeks, trying to feel any bit of warmth coming from them but alas there's nothing. The siblings breakdown crying once more all leaning on the body of their beaten and bruised brother.

They cried for Aslan knows how long before Edmund felt a hand his hair. The boy raises his head to see the brown eyes of his oldest brother gazing back at him making him jump up with a gasp.

''Oliver you're alive.'' Edmund says making his other siblings look up and gasp at the sight of their brother awake, all attacking him in hug making the boy laugh and gasp at the same time. ''I'm sorry I scared you all.'' He tells them hugging them one by one.

Out of the corner of his eye he sees the great lion approach and bow his head slightly to the boy before blowing his breath onto one of the stone still statues near him. Slowly the stone statue becomes the centaur it once was.

Lucy gasps and stands also putting a drop of her fire flower juice into another stone figure near by and watched as it came back to normal. The other siblings laughed at her before Peter and Edmund helped their brother to stand with a wince. The wound may have healed but it was still sore.

Oliver sighs looking out onto the battlefield and smiles. ''It's good to be alive.'' He says and his other siblings laugh at him. ''It's good to have you alive.'' Susan tells him giving him a side hug giving him support to stand also. This was the ending he wanted.

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