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Oliver drew his sword and jumped out of his hammock when he saw the flower petals gathering at the entrance of their tent. Peter and Edmund jumped also but stayed in the hammock.

"Calm yourselves princes. I bring grace news from your sisters." She tells them and Oliver lowers his sword.

Oliver walked towards Oreus, Peter and Edmund after going to check if the dryad had spoken the truth. Sadly, she had. "She's right. He's gone." Oliver tells the small group as they look at maps of the ford at Bermuda.

"You'll have to lead us." Peter tells his older brother and Oliver sighs. "I don't know if I can." Oliver tells them feeling unsure of himself. Memories of his government letter felt so real right now. Going off to war.

"Aslan believed you could." Edmund said. "And so do I." Oliver smiles at his youngest brother in thanks. Peter nods along with Oreus. "We all believe in you Oli." He tells his brother. Oliver nods with a determined look and Oreus smiles a bit at this. "What are your orders?" He asks the boy and Oliver begins making a plan of attack.

Oliver goes back to his tent to prepare when Edmund comes in after him. "Are you alright Oliver?" The boy asks his brother as Oliver paces the tent running his hands through his Sandy brown hair, taking short breaths. "It's all coming back. My first time here going into battle, the letter from home and now I'm leading the army I once fought in." He tells his younger brother as he stops in the middle of the room. Now is the moment Edmund realises his brother is breaking down. Again.

Edmund walks to his brother and engulfs him in a hug and that's when Peter takes his moment to enter the tent and see the his older and younger brother in an embrace and Oliver crying. "Oli? What's wrong?" Peter asks concerned, going to embrace him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Peter I just couldn't." Oliver cries to his older younger brother.

"What're you saying?" Peter asks still confused and concerned. "When we return home, I'm being drafted into the war." Oliver reveals to his brother. Peter stops from shock. "No. No. You can't. Your not even eighteen yet." Peter tells him and Oliver shakes his head.

"The day we left for the countryside I was given two months to prepare to go." Oliver tells him and then it's peters turn to start crying. "It's not fair. First dad and now you." Peter says and hugs his two brothers. "Wait. What if we stay here? Like in Narnia." Edmund tells his brothers of his plan. Oliver sighs.

"That's not how things work here. When we're here time at home stays still. I can see you all grow up but once we return home we'll all go back to being kids." Oliver explains but then smiles.

"I'll still be able to see you all grow up so I won't mind but just promise me you won't tell the girls?" He asks of his brother who share a glance but nod anyways. "Thank you boys." He says kissing each of their foreheads.

The time came. Oliver sat upon a black stallion with his sword in sheath and his spear on his back. Peter was beside him on a white unicorn slightly smaller then his horse. Oreus stood to his other side gazing out onto the battle field.

A griffin lands in front of the princes and the centaur. "They come in far greater then our own." The griffin tells them and Oliver sighs dejected. "Numbers do not win a battle." Oreus tells the brothers wisely. "No but I'm sure they help." Peter says and Oliver let's our a chuckle.

"Thank you griffin go join the others." Oliver tells the griffin who vows his head slightly and then flies off. Oliver turns to Peter whose already looking back at him. "Are you with me brother?" He asks and Peter smirks and nods. "Til the end." He says strongly holding out his hand and the brothers fist bump.

Oliver looks back at the cliff to Edmund and holds up his fist and Edmund does the same. "Very well." The oldest prince says and puts down his face shield on his helmet. Peter copying his actions.

He draws his sword and prepares. "FOR NARNIA, AND FOR ASLAN." He bellows strongly and they ride off into the battle grounds of Bermuda. The White Witch's army doing the same.

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