Chapter 19

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"What did you find on her father?", Alexander asked as he exhaled in distress as he clasped his hands together in a demanding position.

(Please...don't let it be what I think it is...), Alexander thought to himself in fear and worry.

"So, her mother, nor her family is anywhere in the picture. The father is a normal person but...",Damien's voice trailed off.

"What?", Alex asked as he started to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"He is a vampire hunter."

Alex's body went cold. "I don't get it, what do you mean?"

"The whole lineage of the Griffin's has been hunted and killed by one specific person. Mr. Smith. If the father is a normal human being, that means that...Zoey's mother was The Great Queen Mary descendant, and I highly doubt that Zoey knows about this. What should we do?", Damien asked as he started to hold his hands behind his back.

"Leave me be.", Alex said causing Damien to nod his head and leave the room closing the door.

But Alexander was left speechless. (If ...the mother was a Queen Mary did Zoey's father not catch on to that?), Alex thought to himself. He started to overthink everything, but one thought that had run over and over in his mind...'Was Zoey also a vampire hunter? And was all of this a lie just to kill me?'

Just then he heard a knock on the door and opened it in annoyance, "Damien I told you to...", but his voice trailed off.

He had seen that it was not Damien that was standing by the door, but it was Zoey, herself.

(Was she listening in on our conversation for her father? Why is she here?), he thought to himself.

"Would you like to take a walk today, my King...?", Zoey asked coyly.

But all Alexander felt was the conflict arising between his feelings-love for her and his brain.

"Alexander...? Is everything okay...?", she asked in a concerned tone as she reached for his forehead to feel his temperature but he grab her hand quickly and let go of it."'ll talk to you later, I'll get going.", she said as she started to walk away forcing a fake smile.

Just then, Alex grabbed her arm and hugged her from behind as he snuggled his face into her neck with his eyes shut.

"What's wrong Alex...? You were fine earlier on...are you feeling sick? Is something going on?", she asked as she hugged his arms that were embracing her.

"I need some time alone...Leave.", he demanded.

He pulled his hands away which made her feel a chill in her heart. She couldn't understand why he changed within a matter of minutes, what did she do wrong? She left the room and didn't look back until she reached her room and locked the door. Zoey stayed in the room until she was called down later on for supper because she decided to skip lunch but it just left her hungry. Damien served her the food while Alex had already dug into it and left without saying a word to her which made her feel angry and insecure.

"Damien, did I do something wrong to Alexander...?", she asked in a quiet voice and she started to use the fork and play with her food.

"I don't think that's it, Zoe... I'm sorry that I can't be of much help to you. And I'm leaving for the holidays...So take care of yourself, my fair lady...", he said as his voice trailed off and he bowed taking her hand in his palm and kissing it before he could leave.

"What the hell is up with the two of them...", she asked herself.

She just left the food and cleaned the dishes. Zoey walked up and down in her room until she finally decided that she was not going to be pushed over. The next day she just ignored Alex and Damien whenever they tried to talk to her, she made her food and ate in her room. She wanted no contact with them whatsoever. They were hiding something from her, and she knew it. She strolled out of her room for fresh air until she felt a strong grip on her arm pulling her back but she pulled back her arm with great strength as she pinned them against the wall using her forearm with ease.

"What do you want?", she asked in a monotone.

"To answer what you're thinking about.", Alex stated calmly.

"And what is that?", Zoey asked as she tilted her head to one side which made her soft, long, straight hair fall gently on her face.

"You want to know what we are hiding."

Zoey went quiet.

"Let's go for a nice, long stroll...", he stated as his voice trailed off and his mood was saddened.

He knew how he had to deal with the situation, and even though he knew it would break the both of them. They left the house. He took her arm in his arm and wrapped it around his arm which made her look at him as she blushed. It just broke him more, to see her beautiful face, so happy to be with him but he knew she would hate him for what he would do.

Damien saw them together, "I love you Zoey... but I'm leaving because I don't want to hurt Alex or even you...", he whispered to himself as he clenched a fist in the position of where his heart was.

Zoey tried to pull her hand away slowly but Alex just simply grabbed her hand again and interlocked their fingers together.

"What did you want to tell me, Alex...?", she asked in a quiet voice that was only audible enough for him to hear since he was so close next to her.

He let go of her hand.

'Here it comes.'

"Zoey...I would break off whatever we have. You will also be a free bird because I ended the blackmailing, all pictures of you being "The Knight Owl" gone. From now on, we are strangers.", he said as he tried to keep a monotone voice.

"Please answer one question for me Alex...since everything we have been through together was so suddenly...", she said as she gave a dry laugh.

He nodded as he clenched both of his fists tight enough that his knuckles turned white as his nails dug into the skin of his palm. He wasn't ready for this, not to let her go, not now, not ever but he already set himself up.

"Did you ever love me...?", Zoey asked as she started to tear up a bit.

"No.", he answered trying to keep his voice steady enough so she wouldn't be able to hear his lie or his regrets of this moment right now.


A loud sound went off, which turned out to be Zoey who slapped him across his face as hard as possible, which made his face flip to one side because he did not expect that. He didn't know what to expect but he knew he had deserved that slap. He couldn't blame her, he didn't explain why he was so indifferent to her after bringing her to such a state of falling in love with him but he continued.

"Whatever you wanted, whatever you saw, was not love, I was simply using you and deceiving you. So you can get out of my life now-"


She slapped him again across the other cheek and she cried. He reached out to caress her cheek, but she quickly shoved him and ran off.

She went into her room and wiped her eyes quickly as possible while she tried to think straight as she emptied the drawers of 'her' clothes only that she brought from her home.

Zoey carried her bag which was full of her clothes as she walked to the exit but Alexander quickly reached it before her as he tried to stop her.

"Zoey...I-", he was cut off as she dodged his touch and dashed past him.

A few hours later

Zoey now reached her destination, and she breathed the fresh air as she exited the airplane. She hailed for a taxi, as she entered in, the old man, quickly put his cigarette down and he looked in the rearview mirror.

"Where to ma'am?", he asked as he adjusted his rearview mirror to get a look at who he was dropping off.

"To Town X, please.", she said as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Sure thing."

They finally came to a stop after half an hour, she paid him as she took out her luggage and reached the porch as she rang the bell.

"Coming!", she heard a distant voice from the other side of the door.

The door opened and she smiled grimly.

"Hey, dad."

"Hey sweetie, come in.", Zoey's father said as he took the luggage out of her hands and led her in.

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