Chapter 48

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Damien and Alexa stood up and their eyes widened.

"Are you sure about this?", Damien questioned.

Zoey nodded.

"I know it's kind of a weird or bad time to bring it up, and I don't mean to sound heartless, but I think that it's for the best because if someone hired Sabrina to hunt us down, I think the problem is much deeper. They even have better resources than us.", Alexa stated.

"Yeah, you're right...", Zoey said. "But I think we need to think this through. If we erase everyone's memories, we won't be able to find Lily and Dante."

"Oh, about them, we found them, they returned home safely, but they don't know where you are.", Damien gave her an awkward smile.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?", Zoey exclaimed but started to talk quietly again, trying not to wake up Alex.

"One problem at a time.", Alexa said as she threw her a wink. "Go back to bed Zoey, try to spend time with Alex while you can, don't miss an opportunity, we still have some time."

Zoey nodded and went back into their room. Just then, Alex woke up, with a sleepy look as he squinted his eyes and then smiled.

"Hey, beautiful.", he greeted her.

As soon as she came close enough to the bed, he grabbed her wrist and pinned her down. Zoey gave him a warm smile.

"Did I wake you up?", she asked as she pulled her arms away slowly from his grip and wrapped it around his neck.

"Honey, I was always awake."

Zoey kissed him lightly but he deepened the kiss.

"Let's go on a date!", she stated.

Alex nodded, "But let's stay in for a little while. Please?", he asked as he pouted.

Zoey laughed.

A few hours later

"Where are you guys going?", Alexa questioned in worry and confusion.

"Relax sis, we're just going on a date. Love you.", Alex said as he kissed her temple.

Alex grabbed Zoey's hand into his and started to run out of the house.

"Tsk...they act like kids!", Alexa exclaimed.

Just then, she gasped in shock as she felt two strong arms around her waist, and pulling her close, she relaxed as soon as she realized it was Damien. She turned around and hugged him tightly.

"Are you sure you want to follow this plan...?", Damien questioned Alexa. "You know... once Zoey erases our memories...", his voice trailed off.

"We won't remember each other but our bond will still be there. And Alex will remember who he is and he will remember us. He just won't remember her. That's where she has to play her part to bring us all back together.", Alexa said softly. "I have faith in her, that she could do this."


"So, where would you like to go today, princess?", Alex asked Zoey.

"Let's...take a stroll and get some ice cream! There are some things I've wanted to try with you.", Zoey stated slyly.

"Oh? And what would that be?", Alex asked curiously as he kissed the hand of hers that he held.

"You'll see in due time!"

Zoey took him to dinner, she gave Alex different types of food she loved and what she would have most probably enjoyed. Alex decided to feed her and so did she.

Zoey pulled Alex and took him for while walking. She found an ice cream place nearby.

"What is this?", Alex questioned in confusion as they came to a stop.

"My home sweet home!", Zoey said as she wavered her hands to the ice cream place called 'Sweet Ice Creams'.

"Let me order for you.", Zoey stated as she went to the counter.

"Just don't order anything weird, honey.", Alex said as he cringed looking at the weird flavors of ice cream.

"Hi, can I have two cookies and cream ice creams please?", she told the teller as she leaned over the countertop in anticipation like a little kid.

Alex chuckled at her cuteness, suddenly his smile faded away. He knew he wouldn't remember any of this, but he tried to hide the sadness quickly over a fake smile as Zoey gave him an ice cream.

"Here!", she exclaimed as she started to eat the ice cream but she messed up her nose and the corner of her lips.

Alex let out a light sigh as he looked at her warmly and held her ice cream, she looked at him in confusion but as soon as her ice cream was pulled away from her, she was about to demand t from him.

But she frowned as Alex gently kissed the tip of her nose. He then tilted his head and looked at her lips, he angled his head and closed his eyes leaning in closer to her, and so did she. Alex wrapped his one hand around her waist as he kissed her roughly, and Zoey wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with the same amount of passion. They both knew the feeling they have been hiding from each other, but they tried to make the other person happy by hiding it in a fake smile.

Alex huffed out as they finally ended the kiss.

"I...I'm not ready Zoe...I-"

"Please...not now....", Zoey cut him off as she tried to stop the tears.

"We still got the Ferris wheel, are you ready?", Zoey asked happily as she brushed the topic away.

Alex gave her a warm nod.

"Yeah...I'm ready for that.", he stated as he ran with her.

"Two tickets please!", she asked the man who was giving out tickets for the ride.

Alex waited for Zoey to go in first before he went in. They looked amazed at the city and started to make fun of the other people in the carts, for example, the boyfriend who threw up all over his girlfriend or the kids who were currently bickering over which seats they wanted. Fireworks started to go off as they reached the top. Zoey looked at Alex, and she decided to interlock her fingers with her. Just then, the Ferris wheel stopped.

"Shit, are you okay? Does this normally happen with Ferris wheels? Why are they so faulty?", Alex questioned Zoey frantically as he started to look around.

"Relax, I asked the man to do this for us.", Zoey stated as she burst out in laughter, but Alex calmed down in relief.

"You know...I've heard that lovers who kiss here, their love last forever.", Zoey stated as she looked into his eyes and cupped his face.

Alex gave her a somber look before he could crash his lips into hers, which made her eyes widen in shock. Whenever she thought that the kiss would break, he didn't break it, instead, he kissed her more deeply. They leaned against each other's foreheads as they tried to catch their breath after the kiss.

"This better work...or I'm coming after you.", Alex threatened her.

( I hope it does...), Zoey thought to herself.

Just then, Alex pulled out a necklace and put it on for her.

"Thank you so much!", she exclaimed as she threw him a hug.

Zoey analyzed the necklace closely and started to frown, her eyes widened after she realized what it was.

"It's something that will make you more noticeable to me, after know...So don't ever take it off. Please.", Alex begged of her.

"I will never."

A/N: Hi guys! Please don't forget to vote, comment, and subscribe!

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