Pinball Hogger

442 10 9

Writing is FUCKING exhausting bro. I mean yeah, it's fun to write stories about the character you wanna marry but like- DAMN MRS. SAGIPUSSIN

We continued our walk to grab and go but stopped in front of a fence. Looking at the list were a list of missing boys.  Two young kids named Griffin and Billy were on the missing papers.

My heart sunk in sorrow and pain for their family members. How heartbroken they must feel, knowing that they family member has gone missing.

After a minute, Robin and I continued our walk

"Does this happen often"   "not really, they call him the grabber"  "Call who the grabber?" "The kidnapper,his nickname is the grabber" he's only taken two, so it's not THAT big of a deal" still, I was worried. I convinced myself that I was over thinking as we turned the corner to see....

A convenient store named Grab and Go sat in the middle of the two intertwined roads. The glass windows showed a blurry version of the inside of the store causing me to squint in order to see inside.

Behind the glass were shelves, baskets, craters, freezers, everything you'd see at a normal store. But as my eyes shifted to the right hand corner of the school, there sat down a bulky blonde haired boy.

We walked into the store, and I noticed just how focused he was on his game, he wasn't even bothered by the bell ringing. Nobody dared coming near him. I caught myself staring at his head, my eyes resting on him. I quickly turned around , Robin staring at me in disbelief. As if he already knew what I was thinking about.

I looked up at the clock located on the top of the wall, to check the time. "TEN FUCKING MINUTES" I practically announced to the whole store, even the pigeons flew away.

The blonde haired boy shrumped out of the seat leaving black marks on the floor, and causing an unsettling noise.

Everyone backed up, the lady in front of the counter headed over to the phone. I looked over at Robin in confusion. He too had talked at least 3 steps back.

Standing up and marching over to me.

"TEN FUCKING MINUTES" yelled someone else in the store, causing me to get distracted and loose the game the second I was about to beat my high score . I pushed my chair leaving marks on the floor.

I turned and charges over to the rachet voice. I swear, the second I get my hand on them, I'm splitting them in half.

I grab them by the shirt, accidentally ripping it and showing part of her bra. "Sorry 😐, can you put me down now?"

I looked her up and down confused,  how the fuck was she not scared of me?

"Listen bro, I just want some snacks"


Her features were so defined, every part of her was perfect, don't even get me started about her face, it was beautiful, straight of a romance film.

"You're lucky your a girl, don't mess up my game next or you'll regret it"

I threw her into the floor, and walked out of the store. My face was red, my house was about 5 blocks away, so it wasn't very far.

I turned head backwards near my house, as a black van slowly passed by, I brushed it off and continued walked into my house locking the door and closing the windows.

A/N this takes forever but it has me jumping in my seat while writing it.

Word Count : 600. 💗

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