Never to be seen again

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The day you went missing

I headed home leaving Y/N alone with treacherous Vance since I wanted nothing to do with him. It wasn't common for cars to pass by the streets of Denver, but often times, I saw a black van driving slowly among the streets. Everyone knew about it, and everyone talked about it. He was called " The Man behind the van of nightmares ". It was probably called that since, sometimes, kids across Denver would complain about the van abducting kids and even killing them. Fortunate enough for me, my best friends sister has those visions as well. So of course, I kept my distance from vans and older men that looked like they could fulfill horrible intentions.

I fear it's my fault she went missing that day. It's been about a week, and already she's being declared as deceased. I refuse to believe she's gone. I know y/n, she's not weak. She has to be okay. For me. I can only live so long without her. She's a part of me. Without her what's the point. Even when we were separated. We sent each other daily letters. There was always something going on between the two of us. Plus, I'm not sure I can survive mom without moral support.

I guess you could say I've started living at Finney's. I can't stand being anywhere else. I can't lose anyone else. My dad's already gone, and that's done enough damage to me already. I'm not ready to let go.

Starting today, I'm going to go out and try to find her. Finney and I were going together, but it was getting pretty dark and he said he wanted to go home. Realizing it was the best idea. I agreed, and we went out separate ways. My house is closer than Finney's house, so I got home quicker. I couldn't ask for more than someone to be there for me. And Finney has always supplied me with a shoulder to cry on, rely on, trust, and comfort. I love him like a partner... Which I guess might sound wierd.

A few minutes later I got back home and decided to relax a little. So I took off my shoes, bandana, but left the black and white charmed bracelet on my arm. I haven't taken it off since y/n went missing and its become white important to me. I see it as a good luck charm, mostly since I haven't gotten into major fight when I have it on.

I slipped past my mom and to my room. She's been holding up quite poorly since y/n's dissapearence. Much to my own amusement. It was amusing since she never cared about either of us till one of us went missing. Likely never bring seen again.

The thought of never seeing y'ns face again made my heart gag and I could feel tears pushing their way through my eyelids. I looked up quickly and tried to stop myself from crying, miserably failing. I held in loud sobs and crashed onto my bed. Pulled the covers up, then fell asleep.

Meanwhile with Vance's anger issued ass

I haven't seen her pathetic, vulnerable face in 2 days. Ever since that old man came into this shit hole and took her, I havent done much. I guess you could say there was no one to entertain me or fight with. And still no clue on how to escape.

Haven't seen the grabber in a good day and I'm starving. Swear he's a pedophile. He did something to her, I just know it. The thought of all the things he could to to her is the only thing I've been able to think about these past few days. I hope she's okay

I'm literally so close to giving up on this. Being so fr rn I can't be doing this bro.

Together "Y/n x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now