Save your tears for another day.

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"Oww" , he gasped and placed his hand on his heart, that we're to be if he even had one.
"What do you want anyways, let me go!" I yelled at him, balling my hand into a fist.

I stood up to jump at him, but was pulled by the top of my shirt, which made me stumble backwards into Vance's lap. It was an awkward position, but now wasn't the time to talk about positions.

" Do you want to die early" Vance whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. Fuck. His voice was so intimidating and hot, if we weren't stuck in a kidnappers basement, I might've even called it romantic.

" Your friend is smart, he's experienced what a proper punishment should feel like" the old man giggled before leaving the two of us alone.

I looked up at Vance, who was covered in cuts and dry blood. I almost threw up. "This is all your FUCKING fault, just so you know"

That pissed me off

"Me? All of a sudden this is my fault?! IF YOU HADN'T RUN IFF LIKE A JERK, NEITHER IF US WOULD'VE BEEN HERE!!"

We argued non stop for what felt like the whole day. It was silent between the too for some time before y/n spoke up.

"Fighting is worthless, it's not gonna change the fact that we're down here. If we stay mad at each other, then there's no chance for either of our survivals. We have a better chance of getting out of we work together" I stood up to him and walked to the opposite side of the room where he was. I almost forgot to admire his looks.
Even though he had a bucket full of blood in his hair, he still looked fine ASF.

What am I thinking? It's Vance Hopper we're talking about, he'd never think the same way of me, would he?

I sat down next to him and gestured my hand out for a pinky promise. He looked at me and snickered. I was confused, what was so funny?

"A pinky promise? Really? How childish of you. But I guess, it never hurts." He held out his pinky which was the size of my ring finger, I couldn't believe how big his hands were. I also could believe he just called me childish.

I rolled my eyes and shook his pinky. It was a deal. 🤝
Vance's POV:

I looked down at the small human lying down on my lap, asleep. She snores in her sleep, it was the cutest thing ever. She looked so peaceful while sleeping, she kinda grew on me these past few days. Even since I met her, it's like my life has turned down side up. Like she was the solution to all of the problems I had been facing. When I saw her unconscious on that mattress, I felt angry. A type of angry Ivs never felt before. It was new to me. I wanted to make sure that no matter what I protected her. She's like an angel sent from heaven just for me. Meant to be mine. After all, we are stuck I'm this basement together. Maybe we could be together forever. Go through pain together, fight together.

maybe even have our own family.

Or maybe I was just overthinking. She probably doesn't even like me anyways. I wouldn't like me either. After all, I am the reason why we're both down here. I'll make sure she gets out alive, even if it means I don't.



words: 646
time: around 2-3 hours.
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