How tragic....

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About two or so weeks have passed since Vance last saw y/n looking drunk as hell, and a lot has happened between the two in the time.

When the grabber made his daily delivery of 'food', the two would divide it between each other equally.

With that being said, Vance found himself calmer, happier, and more hopeful around y/n. There was this fuzzy feeling that just grew and grew as long as he was with you, and for a few days he thought he was dying. He was also sure that he'd already be dead without you.

Let me explain...


The sun light that shone throughout the somewhat empty, cold room indicated to Vance that the day was coming to an end. The whole day Vance had been thinking of ways to escape, and he had finally thought of one. Now, all it took was persuading Y/N that it was a good idea..


"No. That has to be one of your dumbest ideas" she simply answered before walking away.

"No? What do you mean "no"? You do realize that my plan might just be the o ky way we escape, right?!" He yelled at her, frustrated. However, Y/N only blinked once before turning away.

" You do realize how loud breaking a wall is gonna be? Either way, he's gonna recognize something is up. Hell, he might even walk in on us doing it, then what?!" She explained.

For once, Vance was left speechless. He couldn't even utter out a sentence without thinking it through. Finally, he gave in and decided not to break though the wall with a toilet seat, and that decision surely saved his life.

Because not even 2 minutes after Vance had made his decision to stay away from the wall, the grabber came down with a tray of food and a knife in his pocket. Although it looked as if it was trying to hide, it was still visible to the two shaken up teens, and Vance's heart lept out of his body once he saw it.

Flash ends:

So now, the two plot their escape yet again. This time, they have a solid plan

Y/n slowly trotted up the stairs. Each step making its own unique creak and alarming the grabber. He had already picked out his favorite weapons to kill them, so it was just a matter of getting it over with now. That was, of course, unit he heard muffled but still loud thumping, an abnormally load crack, and then a wail of pain. Along with a few screams, but then silence. There was silence because the grabber had closed the door and stepped back.

' What the hell just happened? Should I.... I should. ' he thought to himself. Confidently, he took a step forward and swung the door open. Making sure his footsteps were as load as possible to signal his anger and presence.

However, when he got downstairs, he found something a little different than what he had expected. Crimson colored liquid streamed down the stairs and lead to the bathroom, where loud pants could be heard. ( " Loud pants" 🤨😏)

Slowly approaching the room, he saw Y/n laying on the floor with her arm broken. He was too focused on the young girl to notice that his pocket knife was missing, and a certain boy with long, blonde curls, was approaching him. 

Slowly, Vance tiptoed towards the grabber. Knife in hand, he aimed directly at his throat before lunging at him. The grabber didn't have time to react to Vance's actions, and instead was stabbed in the throat.

The sight was more gory and disgusting than anything Vance had seen in a movie, and that's a lot of fucking movies. He watched as the grabber's lifeless body fell to the floor with a loud thump, and he slowly walked towards Y/n.

Picking you up bridal style ( stop, cuz I'm cringing so badly rn 😭), he ascended up the stairs and to the living room of what he now knew was a house. He plopped you down on the couch before sprinting towards the phone on the wall.

Dialing 911 as fast as he could, he waited for the ringing to stop.

"911, what's your emergency?" Someone on the other end of the phone asked.  However, by now Vance's voice was shaky, and he could barely speak from shock.

" Hello? Help. I need help. He- I-" he panted out. He was having a panic attack.  " Calm down, deep breaths in, deep breat-"

" SHUT UP! Listen, I'm at uhm. ( Insert address ). I need help. Please..." He interrupted.

The line was silent for a few seconds, but soon enough heard a convincing " police are in pursuit. Exit the building if you can, and be careful."


That marks the day the two teens were rescued. While safe from danger, they're trauma still haunted them. However, they learned to share their trauma, and that shaped their relationship to be something more.....


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