Failing Grades

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Contains mentions of eating disorders, abuse, and other topics that may be unsettling for certain readers. Read at your own risk.

That was before Robin sprinted after the four boys, forcing me to go in there with him so he doesn't get his ass beat.Even though I knew he could protect himself, I would never risk him being hurt when I can prevent it.

Not taking a second to process what I'm about to do, I sprint after Robin into the boys bathroom. Robin and I enter the bathroom to see an arrow setup of boys, who were paying more attention to me than anybody else in the room.

Akwardly, I waved at the four boys who were practically studying me. Which made sense since I was in the boys bathroom.

"What are you doing in the boys bathroom? Read the sign, it says boys not wh*res. I brushed off the comment as if it didn't affect me.

Little did they know just how much their comment affected me. See, my father, didn't know how to take care of a kid.

On days that I came home late, it would get a beating. Seen hanging out with a boy, locked in my room. Seen eating without him, be called fat and ungrateful. I started hating my body, and began starving myself. I'd only eat food once a day, on other days none. *I cringed so hard writing this. The amount of times I hesitated "

" Back off Robin exclaimed after them." They immediately shut up, not taking any risks. Robin walks over to the boy on the other side, and I follow him.

His messy golden hair and (idk what color) eyes glow in the glimpse of light shining through window.

"Hey Finn,what's happening"  "Just keeping on I guess." Continuing to follow Robin who was speaking to the boy.

The three boys scattered to the door in a hurry. Not wanting to be beaten up.


Everyone's attention turned to Robin

Fuck with Finney or Y/n again, and you end up like moose." The three boys stood there in silence, not daring to say a word.

"You can go now Robin explained, gesturing his hands telling them to leave. And they did.

Robin turned on the faucet, washing his knuckles in the warm water, and wrapping them with the bandaging tape I had in my backpack for emergencies.

I turned away from the sink and to the boy who was already looking at me. "My name's Y/n, Y/n Arelleno" The boy looked over at Robin and then back at me. "My name's Finney Blake, I didn't know you had a sister, Robin." Finney said directing his thoughts to him.

"Well, Y/n lived with our father since our parents had a divorce. And so we were separated from each other for years till he died and she had to come live with us"

I nodded and looked down at my wrist that was still bleeding. I lunged over in the corner of the bathroom and escaped reality. Thinking back to the curly haired boy from earlier today. He seemed mean and fierce. But then again I could be wrong. He could be really nice.

The bell rang, meaning we had to attend our classes.

"Really quickly Finn, after school, can you tutor me? The teacher speaks to fast, she doesn't explained it like you do. If you could walk me through it?" Robin told Finney hoping for a positive response.

" Yeah sure", Finney reassures him as Robin agreed to get snacks. I decided to go with him.


The final bell had rung, and Robin and I were walking behind the school to grab and go which wasn't too far away, when we saw a black van parked in the back of the school. As if it were waiting for someone.

I brushed it off and in 5 minutes time, we were at grab and go.

A/n sorry for All of the mistakes and this being a little bit late. I decided to make two stories, one where Robin goes missing, and one where he doesn't. Like alternative universes.

Word count: 710

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