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Btw that picture is og, I took it!Drama 🤭


Robin was out of sight and Vance was sprint walking in front of me.

"Wait up!" I yelled after him. Stopping on the sidewalk to catch my breath.

"Walk faster shithead!"
He yelled after me. I puffed my cheeks and ran up to him, draining my energy like the bad bitch I am.

Finally, the park was in arm reach and I waddled over to the swings. Vance scared away all the other kids in the park and their mothers away, so nobody else was around or outside at all. Just us...

   ... Or so we thought ...

"What's your favorite song? " I asked him as he sat down near the swing I was sitting on. I pushed hard enough, I could kick him in the face 😈👀.

I didn't though, maybe I should've. He probably would kill me, but he'd deserve it.

"That's not important, what's your relationship with Robin Arelleno?"

"Well why are you asking?" I asked him out of pure curiosity.

"Just answer the FUCKING question ⁉️"

"He's my younger brother"

"Boring, do you smoke?"

He asked me pulling a lighter out of his pocket. I was scared, I didn't wanna seem boring, but I've never smoked before. Surprising, right?

Without thinking I answered.

"Yeah, ofc? Who doesn't.

"I grab one of the cigarettes in his hand and he lights mine" I inhale and exhale the cigarette making me instantly dizzy and fuzzy inside.

"You haven't smoked before, have you?"

At this point, I was already high and couldn't think properly. My eyesight was fuzzy and blurry, my body was tingling. I fell off the swing and landed on Vance who immediately pushed me off.

"Wtf?" He yelled at me startling me and bringing me back to my senses.
"Shit, sorry".

He Stood up and ran out of the park running away probably back to his house.

I ran after him, my body aching and legs failing me. I still haven't regained my energy

I ran into an alleyway and there he was. Not in the condition I expected however.

I'm so sorry guys 😔

His body lay limp on the floor as he was dragged I to a black van with black balloons flying out of it.

I was frozen, I could move my body, couldn't scream, couldn't do anything. I was paralyzed. I hated feeling so vulnerable.

The man dragging Vance I to his van turned towards me. Grabbing a can and a knife

" Shit" I muttered out. I turned to run away, but was hit on the head by a large metal object causing me to fall. My eyes grew heavier, but I stood up and ran. I screamed, cried, but nobody heard it was too late.

The man grabbed my legs, I fell onto the hard concrete, ripping my clothes and scraping my face. Then, I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I had blacked out due to the pain.

He stabbed me 2 more times, than sprayed the chemical into my mouth. I don't know about about being drugged and stabbed. But I do know that I won't be awake for a longggggg time. In the meantime, I drifted off to a house with a fence, and trees, big ones. It had a basement. But it's what was inside the basement that scared me...............





BAHAHAHAHAHA bet you didn't see that coming. I'm Gwen now bitch.😈👀💀

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