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Hi! I've decided to continue this story since there are barely any good Vance x y/n stories for me to binge 😭. My writing sucks, but here ya go!

Vance and Y/N were now 2 houses away, one had gone without food for 3 days, the other 5. The grabber continues to torment their young souls and get them to play his little... game. Vance disappointingly played along but was left alive with scars marking his body and a stinging sensation every time he flexed his back. Y/N refuses to play along and as a result, has been mistreated in ways no child should ever have to experience.

Tonight however, the grabber had some plans for the two teens.

With Y/N.
The room smelt of iron, but by now my nose has gotten used to it. I've dug up a few bodies and to my unpleasant expectations, there were 3  holes where bodies lay. One fresher than the other which I quickly identified as Bruce.

The grabbers old ass hasn't come down here in 3 days. Last time he did wasn't to give me food, and I'd rather not remember what happened. I crawled to the opposite side of the room where the door was and sat there a few seconds, daydreaming about what I'd be doing if I weren't here.

I pictured myself fighting with Robin or getting into another fight at school. Perhaps I'd be downing all the tostitos and chugging all the soda in the fridge. Whatever I'd be doing, I'm quite sure it'd be better than starving.

Just then the stairs creaked and the door swung open revealing the grabber with half of his mask on. (btw rn you look like shit. ) The bitch gave me the creeps and sent a block of ice down my spine. He gave me the occasional " Move and I will fuck you up" look which I've accustomed to and dragged a tray of food behind him.

I chuckled ever so slightly and he whipped his head around so quickly it seemed he just heard the police.

"What's so funny little girl?" His words lingered through my mind since he usually dreaded through his words. Not to mention I despised that name. "Oh nothing, just amused by the fact that you thought I'd ever be stupid enough to even try to take a bite out of that." I paused " what'd you put in it this time? " He smiled  "Just salt and pepper." He responded sounding so sure of his words.

I must say, I was terribly hungry and though I'd probably be left unconscious after this meal, there was no way I could go any longer without food. Or at least I thought. Anyways. "Eat it, don't eat it, I could care less. What matters to me is that you have no way of escaping.

Then he left and I was alone yet again. I waited for 5 minutes when I heard absolutely nothing then ran over to the food and devoured it as if it were to be the best meal I've ever had. Even though I knew it wasn't.

I knew he put something in the food

How could I not.

But I ate it anyways, and whatever happens to me after this can't ever possibly be my fault.



Asjjsjsh. I'm rlly sorry. I truly did give up on this. But I'm back I guess. I was gonna make this last. A little longer. But wtf I have no energy. Anyways... Let's just say in the next chapter you and Vance are gonna have a little thing going on. K gotta proofread this chapter. Byee.

Wait. Are these too short. I feel like they are  (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠).  I'll make them longer. Hopefully. I'll try .
Btw. Idgaf if you vote, but doing so will always be helpful 😀

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