Arms Tonite k

217 4 4

Mother Mother

And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute
That I (I) died (died) right inside your arms tonight?
That I'm fine even after I have died?
That I (I) try (try) to escape the afterlife?
That I (I) try (try) to get back in your arms alive?
That I died in your arms that night


"THAT DREADFUL morning... Afternoon? I'm not so sure what time it is, but I woke up in such a warm embrace that I almost fell back asleep. The sensation of warm, bulky arms wrapped around my figure was something I'd get down on my knees for, and I don't just get on my knees for anything.

My eyes fluttered open and my head slowly bobbed up. I had to  squint to see what was around me, likely because of the lighting of this damn.... Where was I again? Oh yeah, basement. This damn basement.

Ya know... I wonder how Robin's doing. That fucker probably ate all the ice cream we had in the freezer. I swear when I get back... When? Pfft, more like if.

Dead ass, I'm kinda hot."

Y/N's thoughts bombarded her brain.

Y/n looked down and realized there were hands wrapped around her. More specifically, a white man's hands. "Wait.. is this mother fucker even white?" She thought again. I jumped out of the warm embrace and was immediately met with a cold one. The feeling sent a shiver down my spine, but I had more important things to worry about. Such as the stranger hugging me. I turned around and saw what seemed like a mop. A muscular mop? Wait. HAHA THATS A PERSON!
That's a Person!
A person.
Hahaha ha please stop. I picked my foot up from the floor and quickly kicked the head of the blonde. Only then did their head shoot up, allowing me to admire their facial features.

Let's be honest, they're kinda hot.

Nevermind. Let's just.. focus on what's happening.

Vance POV:

POW. That's truly the only way I could explain what I just felt and heard.

I didn't pick up my head,Incase it had been the grabber. Instead, I opened my eyes and looked up through my curls. When I looked around closely enough, I saw a small, fragile looking girl that waddled and tipped with every step she took. If I had been drunk, I would've said she looked like a penguin.

I stood up abruptly and started towards her. She glanced and me and ran towards me with her arms wide. For a moment, I thought she wanted a hug. She stopped running towards me and slowly waddled to me. And, out of nowhere, she threw a punch at me that hit me square in the face. It stung, but I was more worried about her mental state than that.

She seemed drunk. Like- drunk drunk. I don't even think I've been that drunk before. I quickly flipped her over my shoulder, and dropped her onto the dusty, old, mattress.

Ik this is short and you guys deserve smth longer, but Ong the next chapter is gonna be the last chapter. Because I seriously just can't keep it serious while writing anymore 🤣

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