Blonde Boy

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I was wrong, everything about Denver  sucked. I woke up to a fucking spider on my eyelashes like bitch who tf? I wiped my face, and sat up. I scooted over the edge of the bed and stepped on my Statue of liberty 🗽 figure, which hurt like hell. Immediately letting out a hurtful scream which woke Robin up since his room was across from mine. And in seconds, he burst open the door and Yelled "WHAT HAPPENED"

Robins POV: I was having the best dream ever. I got 100 on my report card and got 28 new bandanas as a reward, I was walking over to get some cake when I woke up to Y/n screaming her ass off.

I quickly jumped up from bed, visibly still tired considering the sun hasn't risen yet. I sprinted out of my room and right into Y/n's. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? I yelled.

My throat stung from the yelling as I stared at y/n holding her foot like she just stepped on glass. I looked down to see a hundred boxes and a green lady holding a wand.

Speed Walking to the statue, I picked it up and examined it. At the bottom, said"the statue of liberty". I looked back up at the top and watched as a small amount of blood dripped down it. The top of the torch it seemed was extremely pointy.

I looked over at y/n and she was still holding her foot. Forcing her teeth together as she breathed in and out. Let me see, I calmy said as a river of blood dripped down her foot and onto the floor.

Making sure to be careful, I looked at the cut on her foot and lead her to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Making her sit on the toilet, I grabbed the bandages and cotton swabs and began cleaning the cut.

" This is gonna burn." I told y/n. "I know" I slowly dabbed the alcohol swab onto her foot 🦶. "Fuck" she mumbled under her breath with her eyes shut.

Y/n's POV: I blocked out the pain by shutting my eyes and thinking about food. It didn't help much however because Robin could still tell I was in pain.

"Sorry" he apologized for no reason. It's fine don't worry about it I explained to Robin.

I waltzed down the stairs and into the the kitchen. The smell of torrijas flooded the kitchen ( I'm pretty sure torrijas are a type of Hispanic or Spanish breakfast, forgive me if I'm wrong. I found it on Pinterest)

Buenas Dias mama. I said as I sat down in went over to hug her from behind. "Buenas Dias Y/n. Your first day of school will be today, hopefully you can make some new friends.

As much as I doubted I would, I still pulled on a smile so she wouldn't ask any further questions.

Alrighty, I'm gonna go unpack and then change. I figured that since it was only 5:00 AM, I'd have time to unpack before I had to leave for school. I placed the rug on the floor, my  records and albums on the shelves, and my record player on the desk next to the window tjat was already slightly. cracked open. My window wasn't too high up and was facing the side of our neighbors house. I hung up posters and further decorations to make my room feel more like me and less empty. I took a shower threw on a random outfit

Change if you want, I don't really care 💅

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Change if you want, I don't really care 💅

And headed back down the stairs to eat breakfast. When I arrived, Robin was already eating and mama was making herself some tea. I sat down across from Robin and started eating my breakfast. And not to my surprise, it was some of the best torrijas I'd had since my parents got divorced. (Talk about nostalgia)

It was now 7:54 and Robin and I began our walk to the school. School was like 5 blocks away which for me was nothing, it didn't seem like Robin had much trouble either. 10 minutes into our walk, I felt a pair of eyes land on me. I looked around to see a tall, blonde haired boy with blue dreamy eyes gaze over at me. Butterflies flew in my stomach as I turned around and kept walking.

As we continued to pass by grab & go, a probably 17 year old boy approached Robin and I. I took a step back, but bumped into another 17 year old kid with thw ugliest hair cut I've ever seen.

"What's your name gorgeous" One of the boy asked me. Before I knew it, Robin and I were cornered against 3 high school students.

Y/n, Y/n Arelleno I repeated hoping that they'd leave us alone. "Well we'll well who knew Robin had such a fattass sister." He repeated back to me. "Leave her the fuck alone" Robin exclaimed. Or what you scrawny little b-slur. The boy questioned.

At that moment, I flipped. Punching the boy in the face, breaking his nose. He turned to me, still holding his nose in shock. The boy from behind be grabbed my arms so I couldn't move. As Robin beat the shit out of the two others. In seconds, a crowd formed as Robin and I beat the life out of the three boys, whose bodies were left limp on the floor.Then, I realized that we were 30 minutes late.

We started sprinting to the school which caused us to be 45 minutes late. It was fine however, because I have an excuse since I'm new to Denver.

The school didn't look to bad, compared to the other schools I've seen. I still think my old school was the best however. Looked down, and Robin and I both had blood on us, so I got my schedule and went to the bathroom.

On my way to the bathroom however, the bell rung meaning we were switching. Robin cought up to  me overtime as a short haired boy sprinted to the boys bathroom with 3 others following. I knew something was up. But didn't want to get in trouble on the first day of school, so I just kept on walking .

A/n I'll try posting every day by 12:00 like today. If I don't post I'm either busy, sick , or something pretty bad happened to me. I always post in 1-3 days max. 1103 words ✌️

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