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I shot up from Vance's lap and gasped for air. I could tell that it was around midnight from the little flashes of light from the window that I couldn't reach. Still gasping I looked around in panic from what I was hearing. Louder and louder, all I could hear was the ringing of a phone that wasn't there. My eyes rolled to the black phone on the wall that was shaking. It was bound to fall.

I covered my ears and prayed it was a dream, but to no success, I stood up and ran to the phone to pick it up.
The sudden movement alarmed Vance, causing him to wake up as well. He groaned as he forces his eyes open toward me as I picked up the phone and ran towards a corned of the room. Louder and louder the noise grew till my ears started to bleed and I could barely hear 🙉.

The pain was overwhelming, breathtaking even. It was no dream, that I knew for sure. Vance ran from his spot on the floor and over to me, placing his warm hands on my bleeding ears. His hands was the size of my face, he could crush my skull in minutes. "Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE!!" I yelled out, tears now spilling from my face. Vance banged on the door in an attempt to call for help, but by then it was already too late.

My vision grew blurry and my head started spinning. I felt myself falling, but I couldn't move, I was paralyzed. Then the door shot open, revealing the masked man shirtless with jeans and a belt placed in his hand. He turned his head over to me and shot up running towards me. Then everything was Black

All I could hear was the yelling of Vance and cold hands run up my body. I couldn't see anything. Blood splattered on my face, clothes, and the floor. It looked like a crime scene. Worse than all the other crimes I've ever committed, like beating the fuck out of my ex best friend, Nessie.

(No offense to the Nessie's )

Then, my body was warm. Warmer than it was before.
A bit too warm for comfort.
It was then obvious that I wasn't in the basement anymore. I was somewhere else. Somewhere I couldn't recognize. While my body lay limp on the warm surface, my conciseness was still awake and frightened. Scared of what would happen when I were too awaken, scared of what would happen to Vance. Scared of the man behind the mask.

Scared of the Grabber

Vance's POV: Well shit. I'm alone again in the basement, y/n's nowhere to be found and probably is being killed, and I'm covered in fucking bruises from trying to stop the grabber from taking y/n, which didn't quite work out.

He easily overpowered me and caught me in a defenseless state.The only thing I could do was watch as her arm dragged against the cold floor, her body played in His arms.

Its not like it sickened me to see anyone in such a poor, beaten state. It's not like I wasn't used to it, after all, I am known for beating ass. But someone else doing it to her felt like a crime. Something only I should be able to to do.

Crazy, right? The Pinball Vance has his mind set on a girl. Out of all things, anything in the whole world. But it wasn't my fault. This feeling was foreign to me. I thought I was just worried of losing someone. But that wouldn't make sense. I didn't even know the girl. She wasn't any different from other girls. Was she?

She was confident, a great fighter, and wasn't afraid to speak her thoughts or opinion. She was special. Someone irreplaceable. She was mine.

So.. I meant to publish this three days ago... But I forgot to. Anyways here ya go!

Time: 3 days

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