Sex Drugs Etc.

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Y/n laid her head against the wall and groaned. The swirling sensation she felt in her stomach made her want to throw up. Her hand rested on her stomach and her legs to her chest. Her head began pounding and she suddenly felt numb to touch. She choked up blood and her eyes grew heavier and heavier. Her mind went blank and she heard a heavy door swing open. Then cold, muscular arms wrap around her body. Before she could recognize the figure, she blacked out.

The grabber carried her limp body out of the dirty basement and examined her body. Blood stained her clothes and hair and cuts on her arms,legs, and face.

Though, the grabber found y/n in this state attractive and caressed her face and hair. He then brought her outside and 2 houses down.

Swinging the door open, he brought her inside the second house and laid her onto the bed to retrieve a fine amount of materials. He walked the closest door and swung it open, revealing 2 masks with horns attached and a sweater. He placed one of the masks onto his head and shut the door, remembering to lock it.

He then walked back to Y/n and picked her up. A loud, squeaky door swung open and he stomped down the stairs. The second door opened and a dark, cold basement greeted the man. A golden haired boy lay on the bed, his legs dropping off of the bed.

Grabber POV:
"I know your not sleeping Vance" I menacingly stated Vance's name.
  "Anyways, I brought you a gift. I truly do hope you enjoy it as much as I did"
    I snickered at my own statement. Then walked over to the bloody mattress and played the girls body on it.
The room reeked of a smell I couldn't put a name on. I walked out of the basement and shut the door and locked it. Knowing he'd try something when he realized what laid next to him.

Vance Hopper POV:
After hearing the door shut and the lock click, I quickly turned around and identified what was next to me. A completely bloodied figure lay on the bed half dead.

I gasped and tucked a strand of hair behind their air and realized who it was. Y/n lay on the bed for looking shittier than ever and their breaths were weak. They trembled a little and I figured it might have been because of the temperature.

I first scanned the cuts and bruises left on their body as wellwell as dark fingerprints. I came to a conclusion based on what I had seen and wrapped my hands around her. Feeling the warmth my body provided, she twitched but then melted into my touch.

I couldn't help but find comfort in the fact that she was near. It angered me to think about what she must have gone through. I swear, the second I get my hands on that fucker in gonna snap his neck. And before I do that, I'll make sure to break all of his bones and carve my name into his skin.

"I promise I'll get you out of here." Was the last thing I said to her before passing out due to lack of sleep aswell.

Robin POV:

I walked out of the house with the matching necklace y/n and I shared. My back pack drooped on my back and my eyes shut as I passed s poster of Y/n, Griffin, Billy, and Vance. It was sad to think they had all gone missing. As I passed by Vance's poster, I realized someone had doodled on it and drew horns and what seemed like blood with a red marker. I stopped walking and realized someone did the same to Y/n's poster but instead outlined her female features and I immediately knew who drew on the posters.

I clenched my fists at the realization  that Moose had drawn on the pictures  because of the massive crush he's had on y/n since pre-K. He was always jealous of Vance for getting "all the girls" even though he rejected all of them. I guess you could say Y/n was the only one he could tolerate? I ran to school in hopes that Moose would attend so I could beat the shit out of him.

To my advantage, he was one block away from the school and seemed distracted. I took this opportunity to run up to him and smack him in the head with my bag. He stumbled forward and then swung his head back. I chuckled at his sudden burst of anger as he stomped towards me.

"What the fuck was that for Arelanno?!" He shouted gaining the attention of a few kids as they jogged over.
"I don't know, I thought I made it clear to you before not to fuck with my sister!" I spat back at him.

"Are you out of your mind? Have you forgotten that she's gone missing? "
"No, I haven't forgotten. I think you may have forgotten where you belong though."
"Fuck you, she was a slut anyways."

I clutched my fists even harder and swung at him, hitting him square in the face. He stumbled back again and tried to swing at me but missed, giving me the opportunity to kick him across the face. He fell face forward onto a pole but was shoved off by the massive crowd that was forming.

Blood soon dropped from his nose and I noticed he became weaker. I grabbed him by his bag and threw him onto the floor. I crouched ontop of him and punched him repeatedly. Each time I did, his face got bloodier and my knuckles pealed off more.

After punching him, I kicked him in the face and the gut and he passed out. I looked around at the crowd expecting Y/n to rush over to me and offer me help with my wounds, but then realized that she wasn't here.

I sighed and spotted Finney and Gwen walking away, so I grabbed my bag and ran over to the two. It seemed like they were arguing about Moose being a bitch but not deserving that, and I completely agreed with Gwen. He was a total c*ck sucker. Definitely deserved that.

I don't think you understand how far I have to push my myself to make these stories. 1,000 words is not easy bro 😭.  But im back again. Remember, I adore comments cuz I feel like they bring life to the story. BTW IVE BEEN LISTENING TO SPOTIFY AND REDBONE BY CHILDISH GAMBINO IS PLAYING 😆. AND IM ST THE GOOD PART. I SWEAR I MELT WHILE LISTENING TO CHILDISH GAMBINO'S SONGS.

BTWWW im writing a Robin Arelanno book you might wanna check out soon.

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