I was a kid, but I wasn't clueless

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Slay? 111 views! Never saw that coming. Istg chapter 1 was actual trash idk what was going through my mind bro but enjoy this chapter luv u guys

I pick myself off of the dusty, tiled floor and tuck my bra strap so it doesn't show. My ass feels like absolute shit and my legs hurt.

I look up at the audience and they all look like they saw a murderer pass by.  I roll my eyes and walk over to Robin whose grabbing snacks.

" Thanks for nothing"

  "Your welcome 😁 "

"You know I could've been thrown into a wall back there, right"

  "Yeah well your not dead yet"

" Fuck you, your so rude "

  " Just get the snacks and let's go"

I walk over to the cash registers and pay for the snacks with the money I found in some random kids desk. "I haven't seen you around, you knew here?" The old man from the counter began saying "Oh, yeah I'm new here" "You're really pretty" his voice sent a shiver down my spine, I was uncomfortable. "T-thank you?" I managed to stutter out of my mouth. A grabbed the bag of snacks, and ran out of the store with Robin by my side, and back to my house. 

(I just wanted to clarify their ages, y/n is 14, Robin and Finney are 13, Gwenny is 12, and Vance is 15. 👍). 

Robin opens the front door, allowing me to get inside the house to put the bag of candy down. Both out of breath, we sit down on the couch and pant. I almost pass out. The door upstairs swing open and Mom tumbles down the stairs.

"HOLY SHIT" I jump up from the couch and run to her, laying limp on the floor with a beer bottle in her hand. "Are you okay 👍? " I question. She sends a long slap across my face, leaving me puzzled by her actions.  I stare at her in confusion and look at Robin . Almost immediately, he pulls me to his side and hugs.

I stand up from his tight grip and turn my back to look at my mother, whose now standing up. A single tear flows down my cheek, and flashbacks roam through my head. It was overwhelming. I run out of the house, with no destination in mind, just running. 🏃‍♀️💨.

I turn my head and Robins chasing after me, which makes me slow down for him no catch up.

"Is she always like this"

I ask Robin, but he stays silent 😶.
This time, a tear falls from his face.  Then, I realized why he always wore long pant no matter what, he never showed his legs ever, I've never seen them.

What makes you think he has legs 🦵🍗

"Did she hit you on your legs, is that why you always hide them? I have scars on my face and my chest" I question Robin.

He bursts into tears which makes me cry with him on somebody's door steps. I give him a big hug, and he stops crying now exhausted.

"Wanna go to the park to cheer up a bit? I ask him. He nods his head and we begin walking to the park 🏞️🌄.


Time skip 💕💓🤨🥱

I tilt my head down, to watch out for cracks in the sidewalk, but bump into something, it feels hard and solid, kinda like skin 😉. Which causes me to fall flat on the floor.

"Sorry, I apologize while looking up to see 🙈 the same curly haired guy from earlier today?  " Get up, you look pathetic on the floor" I stand up and turn to walk away when my name is called. I turn to face him. "What's your name, I haven't seen you around here"

"Oh, I'm Y/n , robins older sister, I just moved.

"Why would anyone want to move here?" 
He asks me, I tilt my head down and whispered daddy issues, just quiet enough so he can hear a little bit of what I said. All he can make out was daddy and a little bit of issues.
"I'm going to the park, wanna tag along?".

"Fine, not like I have anything else to do".

Guys, I'm so sorry. I'm about to tell you guys all the drama in my life these past few months. My dad got dragged out of the house by cops 🤣😂 my mom's broke ASF bro 🙄 and school is bullshart like usual 🥱😙.

More drama in next chapter if you know what I mean 😉.

Words : 775
Time taken : too long.

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