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Early the next morning, Ruan Yingyin went downstairs for breakfast.

Ruan Xudong sat opposite, "The dormitory has been arranged for you, your luggage will be sorted by Wu Ma, and Lao Yu will send it to you after school today."

Thinking of being able to live alone from now on, Ruan Yingyin was happy, but her face didn't change much, she nodded silently, "Thank you Dad."

Ruan Xudong glanced at Ruan Yingyin angrily, "You Aunt Yang will be our relative from now on, I will allow you some time to adapt. But you have to be clear in your heart that Aunt Yang is your elder, and you still have to go home and live with Aunt Yang on weekends. Get along well, do you know that your aunt Yang told me that she will take care of you like a daughter?"

Ruan Yingyin scooped a spoonful of porridge and nodded, "Okay, Dad."

Even though Ruan Xudong was not satisfied with Ruan Yingyin's attitude, he stretched out his hand and did not slap the face. But he couldn't find anything too wrong, so he frowned and didn't say anything.

After breakfast, Ruan Yingyin said to Wu Ma, "I almost finished the ceremony last night. Wu Ma, you can ask Lao Yu to bring me to school."

Wu Ma didn't know anything about Yang Ruorou for the time being. She also came from H City with Ruan Yingyin a few days ago. Seeing that Ruan Yingyin suddenly wanted to live in the school, she gave a few words of anxiety.

Ruan Yingyin smiled and nodded, then left.

Wu Ma has been in the Ruan family for more than ten years, and she is also very good to Ruan Yingyin on weekdays. It was only later that when the mother and daughter of Yang's family arrived at Ruan's house, Wu's mother also defected.

In the book, everyone in the Ruan family disliked Ruan Yingyin, and all fell to the camp of Yang's mother and daughter. This is the halo of the heroine in the book.

Ruan Yingyin originally planned to fight against the heroine Yang Qingwei, but she felt that it was unnecessary. Ruan's family is not important to her.

She didn't have too much sadness and anger, and her expression was as usual. After entering the classroom, she took the Chinese textbook and recited it carefully.

Jiang Xingyuan, who came halfway through the morning class, frowned and looked at Ruan Yingyin's expression.

Jiang Xingyuan had investigated Ruan Yingyin's affairs in his predecessors. He knew that when Ruan Yingyin transferred schools in the second year of high school, Ruan Xudong brought Yang's mother and daughter into the Ruan family. Ruan Yingyin's attitude was very fierce at that time, so that almost everyone knew about the Ruan family.

Because of this incident, Ruan Xudong lost face in front of his business partners. You must know that many of the business partners of the Ruan Group now have a good relationship with Li Da, Ruan Yingyin's biological mother.

He thought that he might not be able to see Ruan Yingyin coming to class today. At this time, if she was the same as in her previous life, she should go downstairs to make a scene of the Ruan Group.

However, Ruan Yingyin not only came, but looked as usual, and read every word carefully when reciting.

Jiang Xingyuan frowned tightly. Could it be that he remembered it wrongly, but it was absolutely impossible. He has always had the ability to never forget, and he clearly remembered these things clearly.

He stretched out his hand, took the language book out of her hand, closed it with a snap, and threw it on her desk.

Ruan Yingyin paused for a moment, then turned her face to look at Jiang Xingyuan, her expression a little confused.

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