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in the interrogation room.

After Ruan Xudong calmed down, the police asked again, "Where is Ruan Yingyin and where did you lock her up?"

In the wine cellar of Ruan's villa, they found a rope with Ruan Yingyin's skin tissue on it.

But Ruan Yingyin was not in the villa, and there was no surveillance in the Ruan family except the study room, so the police did not know the specific situation.

Ruan Xudong regained his composure. He asked the police for a cup of tea, holding it in the palm of his hand, and frowned upon hearing this: "No, I did the kidnapping of Ruan Yingyin by myself, and it has nothing to do with Ruorou and Qingwei. They didn't know. Affection."

If it is normal, Ruan Xudong looks very stalwart and handsome. But at the moment, his nose is blue and his face is swollen, looking a bit ridiculous.

"Ruan Yingyin disappeared in the women's toilet. Before she disappeared, someone saw Yang Qingwei at the door of the women's toilet. Are you sure it doesn't matter?" the police sneered.

Ruan Xudong shook his head, intent on leaving Yang Ruorou and Yang Qingwei out of this matter. Only when you are in trouble can you see who is good to you.

In this life, only their mother and daughter really put themselves in their hearts.

Besides, the reason why Qingwei kidnapped Ruan Yingyin was to help his father.

"No." Ruan Xudong took a sip, "When I killed Li Da, I hadn't met their mother and daughter. How could I let other people know about such an important matter. Neither of them can do it, so they don't know at all. These things. I'm already very ashamed of their mother and daughter, so don't arrest the wrong person. Ruan Yingyin was arrested by me. It was indeed temporarily placed in the wine cellar, but there are still Ruorou Qingwei and them at home. Afraid that they would find out, they quickly had Ruan Yingyin transferred out. During the process, Ruan Yingyin ran away. I don't know where Ruan Yingyin is now."

"Uncle police officer, I said that I really don't know these things." Yang Qing sniffed slightly, his eyes flushed, but he still tried his best to hold back the tears in his eyes: "I really don't have a good relationship with Ruan Yingyin. Well, after all, my mother is her father's successor. But these are matters of the elders, and have nothing to do with us. Ruan Yingyin and I are both students in the second year of high school, and we will soon be in the third year of high school. We spend most of our time studying. How could I possibly Why would I want to kidnap Ruan Yingyin for doing such a thing? Oh my god, I don't even dare to think about it."

Yang Qingwei covered his head with a somewhat unbelievable expression: "I'm just a sophomore in high school, I'm not yet an adult. If I kidnapped Ruan Yingyin, where would I find someone?"

The police looked at the beautiful little girl in front of them, and felt that it was unlikely that Yang Qingwei did this.

They looked at each other, and one of the policewomen asked softly, "Then do you know about your father?"

Yang Qing was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and was a little dazed: "What happened to my father, auntie, can you tell me? I feel very baffled. Why are you arresting my father? My father is a very good person."

"Your father bought a murderer two years ago and let someone kill his ex-wife," the police replied.

"Oh my God" Yang Qingwei opened his eyes wide and covered his mouth with a look of horror, "Have you made a mistake, it's impossible, how is it possible?"

"You really don't know these things"

"How could I know it's true, is this true?" Yang Qingwei looked at the other party and nodded, and the tears fell from the tears he had endured for a long time, "If I knew, if I knew, I would definitely persuade Dad to surrender."

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