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The car was parked in the community garage.

Ruan Yingyin stared at Jiang Xingyuan's news and poked her head with her paw.

What does Jiang Xingyuan mean this time? The word 'good' really made her feel a little worried.

Did he understand what she said, or did he not?

Ruan Yingyin sighed, deleted the dialog, logged out of WeChat, turned off the phone, pushed the phone to the pillow next to her, then climbed to the middle of the bed and lay down on the small blanket.

Yesterday, because Jiang Xing was far away, she could only sleep against the wall. Although Jiang Xingyuan did nothing and was far away from her, Ruan Yingyin still tried to stay away from him.

Tonight, she can finally sleep in the middle.

She looked to the left, and it was a neatly placed glass bottle, and she looked to the right, and it was also a neatly placed glass bottle.

And the number on the left and right is the same, she felt comfortable, closed her eyes and started to feel sleepy.

As for Jiang Xingyuan, take one step at a time. Even now because she is a hamster, Jiang Xingyuan likes her. But this kind of love will disappear when she becomes a human being.

Half a month, in fact only two weeks, passed in the blink of an eye, and Ruan Yingyin could afford to wait.


The first weekend of the week soon arrived.

In the past few days, Jiang Xingyuan took Ruan Yingyin to school every day, taking care of her properly.

It's just been repaired for several days, and the water pipes in his house are still not repaired. Although Ruan Yingyin thought it was strange, even if Jiang Xingyuan borrowed to live with her, he slept in the next room, so it was not in the way.

So Ruan Yingyin didn't say anything.

She still takes classes seriously every day, and eats and drinks happily.

The **** turmoil between Jiang's Group and Liang's Group did not affect Ruan Yingyin. She had a peaceful life.

Jiang Yaozhi was the exact opposite.

When Chen Jingyi came back that day, he immediately told him about Jiang Xingyuan. Jiang Yaozhi was furious, and he took someone to cook Jiang Xingyuan on the spot. However, before leaving the door, he received a call from his assistant.

The insider they sent to Liang's to inquire about Liang's news sent an email. The email said Liang's next plan.

Jiang's and Liang's have competed for many years, and their strengths are comparable. In the past confrontation, the winner and loser are half and half. Jiang Yaozhi has always wanted to beat the Liang family and become the first company in S City.

The content of this email, although written roughly, is full of gold. After thinking about it carefully, he could vaguely feel Liang's intentions.

Jiang Yaozhi was overjoyed, and temporarily postponed Jiang Xingyuan's affairs, called an emergency meeting, and began to discuss the future layout.

And the same thing happened in the Liang Group.

On Friday, Jiang's and Liang's fought on a small and medium-sized project. As a result, it can be said that both sides suffered heavy losses. The project was taken away by an unknown company.

Jiang Yaozhi and Liang's father were furious. While asking people to find out the details of the company that picked up the spoils, they turned their attention to each other.

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