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Jiang Xing is getting closer and closer to Ruan Yingyin. He lowered his head, the two of them breathed each other, and her thick and beautiful eyelashes flickered again and again under his eyes.

He even felt her trembling eyelashes tremble into his heart.

Under the eyelashes is a white and delicate nose bridge, as delicate as a good suet jade bottle, and then down is a pale pink lip.

Her lips are beautiful and the kiss is sweet.

He thought of the gentle kiss under the ginkgo leaves when he went back to school.

A little taste, but not enough at all.

Jiang Xingyuan's breathing became heavier and heavier, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and the look in his pupils became darker.

The surrounding air is getting thinner and thinner, and every air molecule seems to feel the dangerous breath of Jiang Xingyuan and shudder.

The trembling sensation reached Ruan Yingyin, she stretched out her hand and pushed him away with all her strength.

Jiang Xingyuan was unprepared and took a step back.

Ruan Yingyin hurriedly dodged, pulling a large distance, holding the broom behind him, and looking at Jiang Xingyuan warily.

If he wants to come over, she'll blow him away

Jiang Xingyuan smacked his lips lightly, feeling a little pity.

If it was faster, it would have blocked her lips.

If you still want to kiss now, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous.

His eyes glanced at the broom behind her, then fell on her red face, with a deep smile in his eyes, and said softly, "Let's go."

Ruan Yingyin's hand holding the broom handle loosened slightly, and nodded lightly.

She went to the door first.

Jiang Xingyuan followed behind her, looking at her fair back, her lips pressed against her teeth, she took a few quick steps and grabbed her wrist.

Ruan Yingyin was startled, and immediately looked back at him, afraid that he would repeat his old tricks, and said angrily, "Jiang Xingyuan"

Jiang Xingyuan let go of her wrist with a smile, and lazily raised her hands over her head, meaning surrender.

He said to Ruan Yingyin, "I really don't want to do anything to you, don't be too sensitive."

Ruan Yingyin snorted very lightly, looked up at him, and asked pretty lively, "Then why are you holding my hand?"

"Change a skirt." Jiang Xingyuan put down his hands above his head, walked to the sofa, picked up a paper bag on the sofa, and handed it to Ruan Yingyin, "This one is more suitable for you."

Ruan Yingyin looked at the paper bag handed in front of her, her mouth opened slightly, a little incredible: "But didn't you just say that you have to wear this kind of dress for dinner?" She grabbed the tight black dress on her body, feeling that she was once again being swayed by Jiang Xingyuan Cheated.

Jiang Xingyuan's eyes swept from Ruan Yingyin's head to the end, still with an undisguised surprise in his eyes: "I made a mistake in judgment, I apologize to you. You are not suitable for this kind of skirt, it is too tender to hold up. ."

It was so tender that people wanted to bite her. Such a skirt should be worn at home for him to see.

No, he should put it on for her by himself, and then take it off.

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