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The sports equipment room is located behind the playground stands and is huge and packed with all kinds of sports equipment.

The equipment room has no windows, only doors. The door is not facing the sun, Jiang Xingyuan did not turn on the lights, so it was very dark inside.

Just after Cui Qingyan and Li Tong left, the get out of class bell rang.

The end of the last class on Friday is the weekend that students are most looking forward to. Qinzhong is very humane, and does not organize students to study on weekends, everything depends on self-consciousness.

Ruan Yingyin stood in the dark equipment room and could hear the happy conversations of the students outside.

Jiang Xingyuan had already stood up, and he walked towards Ruan Yingyin step by step.

In the dim light, his expression was indistinguishable, and his body exuded a dangerous aura.

Ruan Yingyin stepped back step by step until her back touched the metal cabinet door, and the equipment in the cabinet collided with the metal cabinet, making a clanging sound.

If Ruan Yingyin changed back to the hamster body now, she must have shrunk the whole mouse, and the soft and white fur all over her body must also stand on end.

Jiang Xingyuan smiled when he saw her with a bit of fear in his eyes, put his hand between Ruan Yingyin and the metal cabinet, lowered his head, and almost all his breath was sprayed between Ruan Yingyin's neck when he spoke, "When I was running just now, I saw that you were The last few, but I think you ran pretty fast last night."

Ruan Yingyin had just finished the gym class, and she was sweating all over, and now the sweat became cold, and Jiang Xingyuan's breath seemed to be a biting cold wind, which made her shiver a little.

Ruan Yingyin lowered her head and grabbed the zipper of her sports jacket nervously, but no matter how nervous she was in her heart, she still spoke in a good voice, like dough, "I'm sorry, I saw your elders come to you last night, Afraid that I will stay and delay your conversation, I will leave first. I should say hello to you before leaving."

Jiang Xingyuan let out a snort, stretched out her hand and raised her chin roughly.

His thumb was pressed against her soft lips, with fire in his eyes "I hate non-substantial apologies the most, how do you say I should punish you?" He said word by word, with monstrous hatred.

Ruan Yingyin was a little scared, her eyes looked outside through Jiang Xingyuan.

There was light outside the door, and the students were talking and laughing clearly.

Inside, it was dark, dangerous, and terrifying.

Inside and outside the door seem to be two different worlds.

As a hamster, Ruan Yingyin has always liked darkness, not light. But now, she longs for the light outside.

She stretched out her hand to throw his hand away, and wanted to go outside. "The driver is still waiting for me. I have to go home today. Classmate Jiang, it's just a meal. If you mind, I can have another meal for you."

Jiang Xingyuan clasped Ruan Yingyin's two hands with one hand and pressed her hands on the metal cabinet.

He looked at her open and closed lips, and wanted to bite them hard, blood dripping from the bite.

But he didn't.

The picture of the previous life suddenly appeared in his mind, and he saw Ruan Yingyin tactfully under the other men.

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