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Ruan Yingyin had some indescribable feelings in Yang Tongyu's behavior, so she didn't notice that Jiang Xingyuan opened her eyes and looked at her.

Jiang Xingyuan "what are you doing"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and was about to take the phone in Ruan Yingyin's hand.

Ruan Yingyin's mobile phone was on the customer information page at the moment.

This matter must not be known to Jiang Xingyuan, otherwise her identity will be difficult to explain.

Ruan Yingyin was flustered, her hand slipped properly, and the phone fell to the ground with a bang, making a dull sound.

The people around looked at them subconsciously, and when they met Jiang Xingyuan's slightly irritable gaze, they took it back.

Ruan Yingyin looked at Jiang Xingyuan innocently, and said softly, "You scared me."

Jiang Xingyuan ""

His face was not gloomy, and he looked at Ruan Yingyin's expression, "what were you doing just now?"

Ruan Yingyin bent down and picked up the phone. The screen was not broken, but it was automatically turned off after being dropped.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and while pressing the power button, she said, "I'm browsing the school forum."

"Then you're scared like this," Jiang Xingyuan snorted softly, not quite believing it.

Ruan Yingyin lowered her head halfway, and handed over the phone that was turning on the page, "I thought the teacher was here, you can take a look if you don't believe it."

Jiang Xingyuan looked at her with low eyebrows pleasing to the eye, and a sense of anger was slowly gathering in her heart, but she couldn't express it.

She stretched out her hand not to slap the face person, although Ruan Yingyin did not smile, her expression and tone were very soft.

With a good voice and good breath, it was like dough, and he was about to put it in front of him and knead it with him.

The prey doesn't struggle, it's really boring.

Jiang Xingyuan was a little irritable and said, "Go away, who rarely looks at your phone?"

He rubbed his hair irritably, got up and went straight out of the classroom door.

Ruan Yingyin slowly took back the phone, logged in to the page, and logged out of the micro-shop first.

She had to prepare a new mobile phone, otherwise it would be really miserable if Jiang Xingyuan found out.

Most of the second and sixth classes of senior high school chose physics, biology, and chemistry, and only a few people chose other liberal arts subjects.

Therefore, most people only need to stay in the class to listen to the lectures, while those who choose other categories have to pack their textbooks and go to other classrooms.

Ruan Yingyin also chose physics, biology and chemistry, and Ruan Xudong chose it for Ruan Yingyin on his own initiative.

Ruan Yingyin's grades in the book are very poor, and it doesn't matter which subject she chooses, so she doesn't care.

And now Ruan Yingyin doesn't know what she is good at, and it doesn't matter.

The chemistry teacher Meng Qing is a very gentle female teacher. She is not tall, looks 158, and speaks softly.

Her classmates in the back row couldn't hear at all, even if Meng Qing brought a little bee loudspeaker, it didn't have much effect.

Meng Qing also knew that she tried to raise the volume every time she was in class, but some people spoke like this.

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