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Jiang Xingyuan came over with breakfast for one person and one mouse. He bent down slightly and glanced at the phone.

Some time ago, I took over a big project, and the company's people will handle the specific details. He didn't have much to do next. Then in the past two weeks, he can take Ruan Yingyin to school to promote the harmonious relationship between the two.

"Okay." Jiang Xingyuan nodded and put Ruan Yingyin's breakfast in front of her.

Breakfast is toast and milk, Jiang Xingyuan is, and Ruan Yingyin is in front of him.

It's just that Jiang Xingyuan's own bread was in pieces, and Ruan Yingyin's was cut into small strips by him for her convenience.

And the milk was poured into a shallow dish.

Ruan Yingyin was indeed hungry. She looked at the bread sticks in front of her and looked up at Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan had already taken his seat, took a piece of bread and bit it, his expression was natural, he noticed her gaze, and smiled at her.

It had been a night since she changed back to a hamster, and Ruan Yingyin clearly felt the change in Jiang Xingyuan's attitude towards her.

Before her identity was exposed, what he did to her was actually too much. But after she turned back into a hamster last night, she clearly felt the kindness and friendliness emanating from Jiang Xingyuan.

Take her home, get her a new phone, help her set up a nest, and make her breakfast

If it wasn't for what he saw with his own eyes, Ruan Yingyin would hardly be sure that Jiang Xingyuan before and after was the same person.

But think about it and understand. Before knowing her identity, she was his previous enemy, so naturally he would not have a good attitude. After knowing her identity, he may feel guilty for what happened before, and think she is irrelevant, so he should apologize for taking care of her for half a month

Although his kindness and friendship still gave Ruan Yingyin an indescribable vigilance and vigilance.

Animal instinct, she always felt that Jiang Xingyuan must have something like this.

But now that as a hamster, she is under the fence of others.

Mainly, the bread is really delicious.

Ruan Yingyin stretched out her paws and grabbed one, holding the bread stick with her two front paws, and took a tentative bite.

It is generally soft, and a little crispy, with a touch of sweetness in the fragrance, and the taste is quite good.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xingyuan could actually bake bread. Ruan Yingyin ate silently while thinking so.

Ruan Yingyin, who turned back into a hamster, had a small mouth and could only bite a little, but she was not slow, and she quickly ate half of a small loaf of bread.

Then she felt a little dry mouth, subconsciously looked at the saucer of milk next to her, and then raised her head and glanced at Jiang Xingyuan opposite.

Jiang Xingyuan had already finished eating, and was leaning on his chair to play with his mobile phone, and didn't seem to notice her.

Ruan Yingyin breathed a sigh of relief, dropped the bread stick, walked quietly to the side of the plate, stuck out her head, stuck out her pink and tender tongue, and licked the milk.

She was afraid of getting milk on her body, so she drank it with extra care and seriousness.

Jiang Xingyuan's eyes fell on her, and the hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

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