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The lollipops are strawberry flavored, and the candy wrappers and handles are pink.

Ruan Yingyin was lying on the top of the lollipop, her fluffy body was slumped into a round lump, but behind her, a pink handle was still exposed.

Jiang Xingyuan reached out and twisted the candy handle with his fingertips. He didn't pull the lollipop out of her, but simply lifted it up.

Feeling that she was suddenly in the air, Ruan Yingyin panicked, her four claws quickly hugged Tang, and she raised her head and stared at Jiang Xingyuan in the panic, screaming.

Jiang Xingyuan felt that she should be scolding herself.

He held the candy handle steadily, and with Ruan Yingyin on the candy, he brought it in front of him, and smiled a little when he spoke: "So you are so generous not only to give me candy, but also to give me to eat. "

"The taste of raw hamster should be okay, I don't mind trying it." As he spoke, Jiang Xingyuan opened his mouth and was about to bite Ruan Yingyin on the sugar.

Ruan Yingyin was stunned.

She trembled slightly, forgetting for a moment that she could release her claws and jump off the sugar.

She froze and was sent to Jiang Xingyuan's lips.

Even conditioned reflex, she closed her eyes in fear.

The little ear was kissed lightly.

Ruan Yingyin's ears trembled, her four paws felt a little numb, and she could no longer hold the candy.

Her claws were weak, and the whole rat fell downwards, and fell on Jiang Xingyuan's legs on its back.

At this time, the car just drove past the congested road, and the front opened up. While driving the car, Jiang Xingyuan looked down at Ruan Yingyin on his lap and smiled.

The smile seemed to come from Jiang Xingyuan's Adam's apple, low and magnetic, making people blush and heartbeat.

He was still holding the lollipop in his hand, and while staring at Ruan Yingyin, he slowly bit off the wrapping paper outside the candy with his teeth.

In Jiang Xingyuan's pupils, something was flickering, as if against the faint candlelight. The expression on his face was a bit flirtatious. When he bit the candy wrapper, it seemed that he was not only biting the candy wrapper, but something else.

Ruan Yingyin's heart skipped a beat, as if an electric current had passed, and her whole body was numb and powerless. Looking at him like this, she felt a little dry mouth for some reason.

She didn't want to look at him anymore, but Jiang Xingyuan like this was very attractive. Make Ruan Yingyin unable to look away no matter what, just staring at him on the back.

The candy wrapper was bit by bit, Jiang Xingyuan rolled the candy into his mouth with the tip of his tongue, tasted it slowly, and then commented: "Well, it's very sweet."

His tone rose slightly, making the atmosphere in the car ambiguous.

Ruan Yingyin swallowed subconsciously, rolled over on his legs with four claws, then stepped on his legs and returned to his exclusive car step by step.

If you take off her hair, you will find that it is very hot inside.

He was burned by Jiang Xingyuan eating candy.

After knowing Ruan Yingyin's idea, Jiang Xingyuan went back and asked Xu Hao to close the WeChat store.

There are not many silver fox water sold in the micro store. In order to grab such a little silver fox water every day, many people stand in front of their mobile phones when they arrive, and they are nervous.

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