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After taking a bath, Ruan Yingyin's hair was fluffy and soft, and she looked more and more naive.

It's just that Jiang Xingyuan's words and deeds just made Ruan Yingyin very angry. When he was blowing his hair, Ruan Yingyin lowered his head and didn't look at him at all.

Jiang Xingyuan put down the hairdryer and stretched out his hand towards her, with a smile in his tone: "Let's go, don't you want to read a book?"

Ruan Yingyin shook her body, glanced at his outstretched palm, and then looked at her front, back, left and right.

She was placed on the sink with a soft towel under her paws. The washbasin was quite high from the ground, and it was impossible for her to jump down and read a book at the table.

She lowered her head and sighed in her heart, thinking that she could hold on for another week, and she would be free from this kind of crime when she returned to her human form.

Ruan Yingyin slowly climbed onto Jiang Xingyuan's hand with a reluctant expression.

Jiang Xingyuan saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help but have a smile on his lips.

Jiang Xingyuan didn't dare to do anything to irritate her just now, but when he placed her on the dining table, he accidentally touched her fluffy back.

Ruan Yingyin noticed it for the first time, and immediately crawled away, hiding and staring at him.

Jiang Xingyuan retracted his hand as if nothing had happened, spread the book to her, and put the water and food aside: "You can read it by yourself for a while, and I'll take a bath."

As he spoke, he walked to the second bed, taking off the white T-shirt he was wearing while walking.

After the rain, his clothes were wet and dry. He had just given Ruan Yingyin a bath, and it was dry and wet.

He completely ignored Ruan Yingyin's presence, threw his clothes aside, took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom.

Living with Jiang Xingyuan these days, she knew that he would go to the gym every day at a fixed time. A man who works out will not be in bad shape. Not to mention Jiang Xingyuan.

Ruan Yingyin propped her four short legs on the textbook, stared blankly at the scene in front of her, blushed and quickly turned around, feeling her whole body warmed up.

Next, when she read the book and read the homework questions, she felt that she was a little absent-minded. A glimpse of the occasional glimpse, occasionally surfaced in front of me.

She simply closed the book with one paw, walked to the side, grabbed a piece of potato chips and put it in her mouth.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xingyuan walked out of the bathroom while wiping his head with a towel.

He stopped beside Ruan Yingyin, rested his left hand on the table, bent down, and glanced at her textbook.

He didn't blow his hair, and the water droplets fell on the table along the hairline.

The familiar scent of shower gel and shampoo came from him and penetrated into Ruan Yingyin's nostrils.

After finally concentrating, Ruan Yingyin, who was reading carefully, quickly climbed to the side.

Jiang Xingyuan stood up slightly, looked at Ruan Yingyin's every move, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He simply pulled out the chair and sat down, opened the workbook, and said with a pen: "Come on, I'll take you to do your homework."

A few days ago, every time Jiang Xingyuan was doing his homework, Ruan Yingyin would come over to watch. It's as if she did it herself.

As a result, Ruan Yingyin stopped across from him today and refused to come over.

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