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After the final exam, we entered the winter vacation.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the New Year's day is getting closer.

Li Tong, Yang Tongyu, Cui Qingyan, and Lin Meng, who had a good relationship with Ruan Yingyin, basically all went on a family trip to celebrate the New Year.

Ruan Yingyin is a very homely person. After the exam, she basically watched dramas at home, or was taken out to eat and drink by Jiang Xingyuan.

On this day, the twenty-sixth day of the new year, at night, snowflakes suddenly floated outside the window.

Ruan Yingyin likes snow very much. Snow is white, the same color as her hair.

She jumped up from the sofa almost immediately, ran to the window excitedly, opened the window, stuck her head out, and reached out to pick up the snowflakes.

A snowflake fell on her palm, and then gradually melted in her hand.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and it looks romantic and amorous under the lights of the city.

Ruan Yingyin ran back to the bedroom, put on a bloated down jacket, put on snow boots, and went out with her phone and keys.

She looked at the closed door on the opposite side, and Jiang Xingyuan hadn't contacted her all day.

Ruan Yingyin bit her lip, hesitated for three seconds, trotted outside Jiang Xingyuan's door, and rang the doorbell three times at almost equal intervals.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong.

In minus degrees Celsius weather, there is no air conditioner in the house, the windows are wide open, and the cold wind is wrapped in the cold air of snowflakes, pouring into the room, and it is terribly cold.

In the dim living room, Jiang Xingyuan was wearing a very thin white shirt, lying on his back on the sofa.

His eyes were closed and his face was calm.

He was silent, even breathing so lightly.

The sudden sound of the doorbell made Jiang Xingyuan frown slightly.

The consciousness gradually returned to the cage, and the numb and cold body gradually became a little warmer.

He opened his eyes and got up from the sofa on his elbows. This doorbell represents Ruan Yingyin.

Ruan Yingyin is his temperature.

Jiang Xingyuan stepped on the white and cold tiles with bare feet. He didn't seem to feel cold at all. He walked to the door step by step and opened it.

Outside the door, the building was already empty.

Ruan Yingyin waited for a while, and left before Jiang Xingyuan opened the door. She thought that Jiang Xingyuan was not at home, so she went downstairs by herself.

The snow fell heavily, and it landed in this world, sprinkled on the leaves, street lamps, and the ground. In a short period of time, it was covered with a shallow layer of white.

The lights on both sides of the road were dim, bringing a dream to Baixue.

Ruan Yingyin ran out and stood happily in the snow, looking up at the falling snow.

Snowflakes fell on her raised face, on her eyelashes.

Ruan Yingyin was afraid of water, but she was never afraid of snowflakes. Even if snowflakes melt into water.

With no one around, Ruan Yingyin opened her hands, closed her eyes, and turned around a few times.

It would be great if Jiang Xing was far away.

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