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The head teacher Liu Qin was waiting at the finish line.

The final class score of the sports meeting will be related to the selection of outstanding classes this semester, so she is very concerned about it.

Both Li Tong and Yang Qingwei's grades are very good. These two girls can take the first and second place. As for who is first and who is second, it is the same for Liu Qin.

As for Ruan Ying Yin

She has seen Ruan Yingyin's score, and among the contestants, there is the tail of the crane. But being able to squeeze into the finals is already very powerful, and she is very happy in her heart.

It's just that Liu Qin never expected that Ruan Yingyin, her most unattractive person, would be the first to rush to the finish line.

The audience was shocked, and then it boiled over. Liu Qin had not yet reacted to the sound of boiling, and stood there in a daze.

Ruan Yingyin was still stunned. She was frightened by the cat meow just now, and when she crossed the streamer at the end, she heard the screams and cheers of the audience.

On the big tree next to the playground, the parked birds were startled.

She stopped in a daze, and realized that there was no cat chasing after her. On the runway where she just ran all the way, there wasn't even a bit of garbage. Before the start of the race, the track had already been cleaned up.

Ruan Yingyin was frightened for a while, she bent down slightly, put her hands on her legs, and panted.

Her ponytail was completely messed up, and when she bowed her head, her long hair fell down.

She reached out and lifted her hair and looked forward, just to meet Yang Qingwei and Li Tong who were running towards the finish line.

Yang Qingwei was one step ahead of Li Tong, but Li Tong followed closely. They were all a long way behind Ruan Yingyin, but this meeting was already approaching the end.

However, Yang Qingwei was influenced.

She thought that she would be able to run first, and she even boasted about Haikou with Ruan Xudong and Yang Ruorou before going out in the morning.

After the last monthly exam, Ruan Xudong was not as close to her as before. Recently, the relationship has finally recovered, and she wants to use this sports meeting to pull it back.

However, why is Ruan Yingyin faster than her? Even if Ruan Yingyin qualified for the preliminary and semi-finals in the Ming Dynasty, the results were not very good.

When she was distracted, she didn't pay attention to the front, and with a slam, she fell head-on towards the plastic track in front of her.

Yang Qingwei put his hands on the ground subconsciously, but when his knees slipped, it rubbed against the ground, wiping out a blood trail, causing Yang Qingwei to fall to the ground with his knees in his arms.

When the situation happened suddenly, everyone immediately looked at Yang Qingwei, sighing a little, with regret and sympathy in their eyes.

Li Tong was completely unaffected and rushed to the finish line with all his strength.

"Qingwei" Liang Yuan, who wanted to go over and say hello to Ruan Yingyin, paused, and subconsciously ran towards Yang Qingwei who fell to the ground.

"Classmate Yang" Liu Qin, as the head teacher, also followed.

Li Tong gasped for breath, walked a few steps to Ruan Yingyin, who was still in a trance, hugged Ruan Yingyin, and said very excitedly, "Yinyin, you are really amazing, you actually run so fast, your results today are sure How did you run to break our school's 100-meter record? How did you do it?"

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