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Ruan Yingyin left after giving the lollipop, and she closed Jiang Xingyuan's door very intimately.

The next day, Ruan Yingyin went to the playground and played with her carousel. Jiang Xingyuan went on a business trip for his newly opened real estate company.

The Silver Fox Company has not yet started business. She handed it over to Xu Hao's Wechat Store and was reported to be closed. Then Xu Hao opened another one, and the business was still booming. Even Xu Hao was curious, and secretly asked Ruan Yingyin if it really worked.

Ruan Yingyin thought about Xu Hao's chubby appearance, and said sincerely, "There is no weight loss effect."

Xu Hao: "...Okay."

After that, Ruan Yingyin stayed at home for a few days, watching various live broadcasts of hamsters.

Time flies fast, the National Day holiday is over soon, and it is the most painful time for students to go to school.

Ruan Yingyin was full of expectations. The effort was rewarded with the first place, and Ruan Yingyin was more determined to study hard.

Since I got the first place in the first monthly test, I must keep the first place and not fall off.

That's not perfect, and imperfect results don't deserve the rewards of the Ferris wheel.

Ruan Yingyin finished her breakfast and packed her schoolbag. When she went out, she happened to see Jiang Xingyuan in his school uniform pocket waiting for the elevator.

He didn't bring a schoolbag, it should be said that Jiang Xingyuan didn't bring the book back from school.

"Student Jiang, are you back?" Ruan Yingyin hesitated for a second, then walked slowly three steps away from him, and greeted him harmoniously.

He was angry and rich, and she felt that the relationship between the two was not as rigid as it was at the beginning.

Jiang Xingyuan looked at her. In the past few days, Ruan Yingyin's mind has been replaying unconsciously Ruan Yingyin bending over and handing him a lollipop and smiling at him.

Over and over again, as if possessed by a demon.

His heart is very complicated now, and he suddenly doesn't know how to face Ruan Yingyin.

So after sobering up the next day, he went out for a long trip and came home late last night.

He didn't plan to go to school today, but when he woke up in the morning, he still got out of bed.

When brushing his teeth in the bathroom in the morning, he looked at himself in front of the mirror and had to admit that the reason he was going to school was to see Ruan Yingyin.

Jiang Xingyuan couldn't explain his current behavior, which made him extremely irritable and uncomfortable.

He should not treat Ruan Yingyin like this.

Ruan Yingyin betrayed him in her last life, although Yang Qingwei and Liang Yuan who set up the bureau were the culprits. But at that time he was in a competitive relationship with Yang Qingwei and Liang Yuan, and it was normal for competitors to use some means.

Jiang Xingyuan does business, and he can do these things too.

But Ruan Yingyin was different. He regarded Ruan Yingyin as his own. But he was stabbed in the back by his own people.

According to his temperament, he will make Ruan Yingyin fall into a state of doom, make her fearful, let her live in a nightmare every night, and make her suffer.

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