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Jiang Xingyuan walked in the campus, attracting countless attention along the way.

He was originally a celebrity on campus. In addition to the splendid background of the young master of the Jiang family, he also had an outstanding appearance, and was ranked first and second in the grade all year round.

Jiang Xingyuan has a bad temper, and his face is often full of storms. Most people in the school know that. Boys basically don't conflict with him, and girls don't even dare to approach him.

When Jiang Xingyuan was a freshman in high school, a girl handed a love letter in public, but before she even got close to Jiang Xingyuan, she was scolded by Jiang Xingyuan and ran away.

Later, everyone found that Jiang Xingyuan did not have any girls and never had a girlfriend. But despite this, no one dared to continue to send him love letters.

Including Ye Yuyu.

Ye Yuyu fell in love with Jiang Xingyuan at first sight when he was a freshman in high school. She saw Jiang Xingyuan coldly scolding the girl who sent the love letter, "Go away"

The height of 185 makes a man of this age a head taller among his peers. His face is exquisite and handsome, his words and deeds are cold and ruthless, and he shows no mercy at all. Seeing the girl crying and leaving, she was not moved, but rather disgusted.

Ye Yuyu was so sunk. Over the years, she has found that most of the boys around her are considerate, gentle, sunny and handsome, and they are also good to the girls in the class.

Although such a boy is also very good, he always feels that something is missing. Unlike Jiang Xingyuan, he never glanced at good-looking girls, and even hated the approach of each other.

In such a man's mind, if he is an exception. He has a disgusting attitude towards others, and only pampers himself. Thinking about it, Ye Yuyu felt that her whole body's blood was boiling.

She wants to be the only one. So she studied hard from the first year of high school and squeezed into the first examination room. She wanted to get closer to Jiang Xingyuan, and wanted Jiang Xingyuan to see the difference between her and other girls

But when she took the monthly exam before, she mustered up the courage to borrow his pen, and his expression was still impatient and disgusted. Later, Yang Qingwei told her that Jiang Xingyuan and his new roommate Ruan Yingyin got along very well, and they often borrowed it during class.

This made Ye Yuyu unwilling. Ruan Yingyin, why does she rely on cheating?

So she made a post anonymously on the forum, but was later clarified by the dean and punished her

Ye Yuyu was lost for a while. During the second monthly exam, she saw Jiang Xingyuan and Ruan Yingyin borrowing a pen in front of her in the exam room.

Why did she lend him a pen and he didn't want it. He wants to borrow a pen from Ruan Yingyin

And not only that, she saw the relay of the Games, and when she saw Ruan Yingyin handing the baton to Jiang Xingyuan, she was furious with jealousy.

The scene at the sports meeting had been playing on a loop in her mind. Ye Yuyu stood aside, looking at Jiang Xingyuan who was walking towards the door, her hands clenched into fists, her reddish eyes filled with madness beyond love.

She just looked down slightly, and when she saw the snow-white hamster in Jiang Xingyuan's coat pocket, she was stunned for a moment.

Ruan Yingyin grabbed the edge of the pocket with her two front paws, her eyes just colliding with Ye Yuyu's.

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