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Ruan Yingyin gritted her teeth tightly, hugging the tree trunk desperately, almost crying out of fear.

In the process of fleeing all the way, her snow-white hair was already dirty, stained with dark yellow soil, green with yellow grass juice, and red blood.

She felt sore, tired, and scared.

And the wild cat was still guarding under the tree.

Ruan Yingyin stared at the wild cat, and the wild cat was also staring at her.

It went on like this for more than ten minutes, although Ruan Yingyin still felt scared, but it might be because she had been staring at the cat for a long time, and she was not as scared as at the beginning.

After the fear of this energy passed, the pain and fatigue on the body became more and more obvious.

Only then did Ruan Yingyin begin to look at where she was.

This ginkgo tree is very big, and she just climbed directly to the highest branch out of fear.

Below her buttocks was the branch. She hesitated for a while, then sat down, then released her claws that were gripping the branch tightly.

Because I was very tense just now, my claws were gripping too hard, not only bruising, but also sore.

She exhaled and looked at the wild cat under the tree again.

The wild cat also seemed to feel a little tired from barking and standing, so he simply lay down on the grass below, basking in the sun while waiting for Ruan Yingyin on the tree.

Ruan Yingyin looked away and raised her head.

The ginkgo leaves above are shadowy, and there is a blue sky between the leaves.

The surroundings were quiet except for the rustling of ginkgo leaves when the wind blew. Occasionally, there is the sound of banging when the car drives past.

She looked down at the wound on her body, and at the wild cat that was still lying down under the tree, and suddenly there was a huge fear and confusion in her heart.

what to do now

Can Jiang Xingyuan find her here?

Ruan Yingyin felt that this was really a little overhang.

And this idea just popped out of my mind, a dark red car suddenly galloped across the road like a bolt of lightning

That is

Jiang Xingyuan's car

Ruan Yingyin stood up immediately, grabbed the branches, and tried her best to call the car "Squeaky, Squeaky"

But it was useless to let her cry out, Jiang Xingyuan couldn't hear any sound at all, and he drove the car very fast.

Cheng Yang and Wei Xiangsong, who were approaching the back row, were pale and grabbed each other, for fear that they would be thrown out.

Jiang Xingyuan rushed all the way to the door of Ruan's villa.

He pushed open the car door, walked directly towards the door, and rang the doorbell.

The moment the doorbell rang, the three people in the living room were startled.

Could it be that Ruan Yingyin found it?

Yang Qingwei stood up immediately, with a little surprise on his face, "I'll open the door"

Then when she saw the person outside the door clearly, her body froze instantly, she turned around, put her back on the door, her lips trembled slightly, "Dad, it's Jiang Xingyuan."

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