𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝.

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STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS has been viewed 50 times by myself since its debut, and it never gets old. I sat on the couch by myself in my dad's bungalow in the year of 2015. My mum had earlier sent me a message asking whether I'd like to meet my cousins Gray and Zach at the innovation centre at 1 o'clock and tour the park with them. Additionally, a VIP wristband has been guaranteed to me, which I couldn't say no to. Since I was four years old, I haven't seen either Zach or Gray. As the timer chimed 12:34 p.m., the movie had ended.

There were advantages to living at Jurassic World, but there were also disadvantages. While my father did everything he could to communicate to me, which I kind of admired, my mother was often too preoccupied with her work and typically ever spoke to me. My parents' decreased communication with one another pained me at times, but I learned to deal in a variety of ways, and if that meant spending time alone in my dad's bungalow, so be it.

I frequently believed that the reason why my cousins and I didn't communicate much was because my mother and I lived on a different island from them, but it wasn't the reason at all; it was something entirely different.

Since I live on an island and have no social life other than communicating with my own parents, I can only hope that reuniting with my cousins won't be awkward—or even so, demand it.

I ASSUMED THAT my mother was on the phone with someone important as I walked downstairs in the Innovation Centre. I often ponder whether she ever seems to love her work. Does she not even experience stress? Everything seems to go by without a hitch. I'm forced out of my reverie by her voice, though. beam-

"Gray! Is that you?" It is in fact Grey when I turn to face him.  But his hair is bouncy, and he resembles me in height exactly.

"Aunt Claire!" He beams finally recognising the  woman.

"Okay, yeah, I'm going to have to go; my nephews are here." Mom says over the phone.

Grey runs up to her and wraps his arms around her to my pleasure, forming the most awkward hug I've seen in my lifetime. I just stand there watching them as I feel Zach's stares from above me.

For a second, I couldn't help but feel an inch of jealousy looking at the aunt and nephew, but I brushed it off quickly.

"Oh my, oh my gosh, you're so sweet—wow. Zach, last time I saw you, you were like, " She moves out her hand and hovers it about mine and Gray's height.

"Here. That must've been what? 3? 4? years ago?" She guesses.

"Seven years, but you know... close." He replies that his voice has definitely gotten deeper.

My mom looks towards the sibling duo simply hiding her embarrassment at Zach's comment.

"So, I see you've already got your wristbands. This is for food." She hands Gray an envelope with a Jurassic World logo on it. "And Zara here is going to take good care of you until I'm done working tonight, okay?" She informs them

"You're not coming with us?" Gray asks her with a sad look on his face.

"Oh, I really wish that I could, but you guys remember Hazel; she's going to be going around the park with you today." An awkward smile is welcomed onto my face as I wave at the duo in front of me.

Gray looks up at me and smiles as I smile back at him. Zach's face remains blank.

"And tomorrow I can take you into the control room and show you behind the scenes and all of that. That's going to be cool, right?" Claire offers. I then felt a wave of jealousy overcome me once again—usually I am never allowed into the control room, but I brushed it off again. Moms phone then rings.

"Okay, so I'll see you tonight at 6."

"Oh no, no, don't forget you have the..." Zara interrupts

"Right of course. I'll see you tonight at 8. What time do you go to sleep, or do you go to sleep at different times? Okay, so um, have fun and take very good care of them, okay?" Mom's finger hovers over the answer button as she rambles on.

She sends me a smile and squeezes my arm, then leaves to answer her phone..

"So where to first?" I ask them, my voice a little quiet.

Often I'd describe myself as an introvert, but at this moment in time I had to speak up as Gray only spoke when spoken to and Zach had only spoken one sentence.

"The mosasaurs show 100%," Gray responded, grinning.

Considering we hadn't spoken for years, he seemed fairly happy to talk to me, which made me smile slightly.

EDITED: 26/07/23

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