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MOM TOOK HER PHONE out of her pocket while I watched her speed ahead.

"Lowery, we're heading your way. Call in a chopper."

We continue to drive. We both watch as my dad leads us through.

We enter the main area of the park.

"Thank you for visiting Jurassic World. We hope you enjoyed your adventure. Don't forget to visit the gift shop, and remember, it's always happy hour at Margaritaville." The woman over the PA speaks

My mom gets out of the car, and so do I.

"Come on, come on. go inside."

I follow my dad, running at his pace.

"Control room, that way."

We continue running until we reach our destination.

"They evacuated the lab," she mutters.

"You're joking," I say

We all walk around the lab, looking at all the creatures.

"Cool," I think to myself.

Then a door opens.

"What are you doing?" My mom asks.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey." Hoskins walks in.

"Oh, piss off." I mumble, and my dad gives me a stern stare.

"Watch your mouth, kid," he says as he looks at me.

"Where's Henry?"

"Dr. Wu, he works for us."

"That's not a real dinosaur," Gray points out.

"No, it ain't, kid."

"But somebody's got to make sure this company has a future. Imagine that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, and able to hide from the most advanced military technology. a living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. You see, after millions of years of evolution, what did we learn?"

We all stare at him.

"Nature is the gift that just— oh shit!" A raptor trots into the room.

"Easy, easy, boy. easy. hey, hey. We're on the same side, right? right? easy. easy. I'm on your side."

The raptor, instead of obeying him, just bites his hand.

"Jesus!" I shout

We all run.

"No, kids. kids, this way. Come on."

"Come on." I hear the voice again.

The raptor jumps through the glass and lands in front of us.

I turn around and run, even on my assumedly sprained ankle. We open the doors while the raptors are distracted and run.


We were surrounded.

by two.

now three.

"That's how it is, huh?" Dad asks the raptors as he raises his hand to blue.

"Easy, easy, easy," he whispers, taking off the device surrounding her side.

"That's it."

Then we hear a loud growl.

It's the indominus.

Blue screams at the other dinosaur and then gets swung to the side.

Dad whistles, then the raptors that were beside us launch themselves at the indominus.

We run into some shelter.

"We need more," Gray suggests.

"More what?" Mom asks, panting, looking at her relatives.

"Teeth. We need more teeth." She stands, then collects some gadgets.

"Okay, so you just wait here. it's gonna be fine."

We all nod, staring at her.

My dad then comes into the room where we are sitting and puts his finger on his lips.

The indominus comes behind him and rocks the stall; we all begin to scream.

The indominus' claw gets caught on my leg and digs into it.


My dad drags me by my coat.

Then it almost pulled Gray from his shoe. I grab onto his t-shirt to attempt to prevent it. then it quickly comes off, and the indominus lets go.

Then we hear the roar of a t-rex. then the indominus.

I then limped beside my dad.

and the dinosaurs begin to fight.

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