𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲

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IM AWOKEN TO THE HORRIFIC SOUND OF MY DAD HAMMERING SOME NAILS INTO THE WOOD of our soon to be cabin he's been on about for months on end

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IM AWOKEN TO THE HORRIFIC SOUND OF MY DAD HAMMERING SOME NAILS INTO THE WOOD of our soon to be cabin he's been on about for months on end.

in the end i just give up on trying to block out the sound and put on my headphones begin playing cherry bomb by the runaways - something about that song sent me to heaven and back.

i walk to the kitchen and grab a mug to make a cup of coffee. i always thought it'd taste horribly when i was younger however it doesn't taste half as bad! plus it's a lifesaver when you can barely wake up for school. at school, no one talks to me, i was bound to be the kid no-one likes due to my parents reputation at jurassic world. i don't usually enjoy being alone but you get used to it.

once my coffee is finished i walk back to my room and sit at my desk right below my multiple polaroids of me, mom, and dad. i open my draw and grab a couple pieces of lined paper and a few pens just in case the one i was using would run out. my set up is discontinued when i hear the sound of my mother.

"owen!" she shouts

i turn around ignoring the unusual interaction as my pen touches the paper and i begin to write my letter.

dear gray,

how are you? i know we haven't exchanged letters to each-other for a while and i thought it'd be nice to hear from you.

mom and dad are yet again not talking which isn't a surprise, but you'd think if you've experienced a disaster together you would stay together? what happened to 'we should probably stick together, for survival.'

since we're both fourteen now maybe our parents will let us organise a meet up or something? possibly it could be for christmas! - my favourite holiday.

dad brought me and new game for my birthday! it's called 'the last of us'; long story short there's an apocalypse and there's this survivor called joel and he's been given the responsibility to take a girl called ellie, who's immune to the virus, across the country to the fireflies to get a cure for the disease. mom says it's too old for me but i still play it; i'm only half way through the story line and i love it so far.

anyways, duty calls
hope this letter gets to you safely.


hazel amber grady

ps. tell your mom and zach i said hi.

i sign of the letter and seal it into an envelope

"HAZEL!" i hear the beaming voice of my father coming from the entrance of the trailer. i make my way out of my bedroom past the kitchen and past the fireplace where pictures of me, him and sometimes mom sat. some were from my early years at jurrassic world, then some are from recently. my eyes drift past them as i capture the figure of my father leaning against the doorframe and my mother standing behind him slightly waving at me as i shoot her a smile.

"what're you wearing?" he asks me

"my pyjamas.." i grin

"hazel, it's 2pm for christ sake!" he scolds me but instead of me understanding i just laugh

"anyways, me and your mom are going out for a drink. we'll be back later" he informs me

"alright, keep an eye on the time." i smirk

he leaves and then locks the door.

i used to never be able to be alone in the trailer due to the attacks on jurrassic world but eventually i understood that i was safe and with my family.

i pave my way towards my bed room and open my wardrobe. i pick out a cropped forest green t-shirt and some blue baggy jeans still wondering why i'm still getting ready.


"i'm sorry. seriously? i can't believe you think that you left me!" she says letting her laughter out

"replay the conversation in your head, all right? you said, "you wanna go live in your van, like a bum? go ahead, owen. and i said "okay." he states

"so, how is that you leaving me?" she asks

claire's now in buttoned up white shirt with her hair tied back into a ponytail.

"because i left. i left you." he says casually

"you left because i told you to." she rephrases

"and then, i left. because you didn't want to live in a van on the side of the road."

"no. no, no, no." she negotiates

"remember?" he asks her

"because you wouldn't let me drive the damn van for five minutes."

"i'm chivalrous. what can i do?"

"you are so stubborn."

"well, look at you now. you're saving the world."

"i'm trying, at least. you can't just run away from everything, owen."

"so, you're what... dating an accountant now? an insurance actuary? your skin looks nice dermatologist?"

"owen." she scolds

"does he check you for moles?"


"a ventriloquist?"

"this is not why we're here, okay?"

"yeah, i know why we're here." he reveals

"lockwood's little flunky called me. rescue op. save the dinosaurs from an island that's about to explode. what could go wrong?" he says sarcastically

"i'm going." claire tells him


"i don't have a choice."

he pulls a confused face and furrows his brows

"what? of course you have a choice."

"so, what, i should just built my own cabin, play pool, and drink beer all day while these dinosaurs go extinct?"

"yeah. i like pool, so does hazel." he confirms

"don't bring her into this." she tells him

"why not?" he asks

"blue is alive." she explains while changing the subject

"jesus, claire."

"you raised her, owen. you spent years of your life working with her. you're just gonna let her die?" she questions

"well, yeah." he stares at her knowing that he isn't being honest

"come on, you're a better man than you think you are."

"you should write fortune cookies." he says earning a scoff from the woman

she takes out some money leaving a few dollars on the table

"forget it.. there's a charter flight leaving tomorrow morning. you're on the manifest. i just wanted to let you know." 

then she walks out.

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