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MY ANKLE WAS VERY HURT. Since the whole Indominus rex chase, it has ached whenever I put pressure on it. It wasn't completely painful, but it was probably just sprained.

"Lowery, I'm on my way back to you." My mom confirms her college

I hear a muffled voice on the phone explaining something about some random other guy in charge.

"What do you mean 'use the raptors'?"

"Son of a bitch!" My dad says, seeming pissed off as the helicopter flew from above us.

"You shouldn't say 'bitch.' " Gray scolded

"Take the kids. Get them someplace safe."

"But I Want to Co-," I Interfere

We turn around to see the gate opening and everyone running from the fairly large pterodactyl.

"Jesus Christ!" I scream as I run to the van.

"You got this!"

"go faster!"

"Damn it. Drive."

In desperation for them both to stay quiet, I'm sitting there reading the Jurassic World maps left at the back of the van.

"This does not feel safe." Zach states the obvious.

"That's because it isn't, Zach." I reply, Heavy breathing.

"Can we stay with you?" grey asks

"I am never leaving you as long as you live," mom told them.

"No, him," they both say, referring to dad.

"Yeah, definitely him."

"Don't worry, mom. I'll stay with you." I send her a sympathetic smile, and she sends one back.


Both my mom and dad get out of the car and give each other blank stares.

"The mother hen has finally arrived." The unrecognisable man announces

He's welcomed with a punch in the face.

"Holy!" I shout, holding in my laugh.

"Get the hell out of here and stay away from my animals."

"Hoskins, you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch!"

"oh, jesus! How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?"

"It's not a mission; it's a field test."

"This is an iNGen situation now."

"Okay, there are going to be cruise ships."

He talks so fast that I can barely understand him.

"Now that I think of it," I say to the boys, "Can he shut up?" Gray agrees, and Zach just laughs.

We get out of the car once it's all in the clear and make our way towards my dad, who was petting all the raptors.

"Owen?" Gray asks, "Are they safe?" We're all leaning against the railings.

"No, they're not."

"What are their names?"

"Well, you got Charlie. There's Echo. Here is Delta. This one's called blue. She's the beta."

"Who's the alpha?"

"You're looking at him, kid." This response made me crack a smile.

My mom opens the back of the van.

"See? Totally safe." My mom tells us, causing me to cringe in disapproval.

EDITED: 27/07/23

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