𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝

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mom limps towards the control table

"they're all dying." she states

"the blast damaged the ventilation system." zia tells her "we did everything we could."

mom looks at her and moves her body around the table

"i can open the gates from here."

"claire, be careful." dad vocalises "we're not on an island anymore."

"i wish we were..." i mumble to myself earning a sympathetic glance from maisie

moms finger hovers over the keypad.

she opens the first cage and then the rest of them.

all the dinosaurs become crowded in one room.

mom makes her way over to the red button.

her fingers hover over it.

"claire. you press that button, there is no going back." dad alleged

"we can't let them die." she whispers

she hesitates then shuts the cover watching the dinosaurs suffer. sobbing.

i'm stood in front of them with dads arms around her shoulder and rubbing my back.

we admire all the dinosaurs.

until we then hear a sound of activation.

the lights which once flashed red flashed green.

they were free.

we turn around to face the control table to see the one and only, maisie lockwood.

"i had to." she mutters "they're alive, like me." she looks at us.

i smile and go over to hug her tight despite our height difference.

we both watch as they flee the building.


we leave the control room walking through the mansion one last time finally reaching the entrance.

we walked down the steps.

franklin and zia beside each other, mom and maisie beside each other, and me and dad beside each other.

we hear a distant growling which is revealed to be blue.

"hey, girl." i hear my dad say

"owen." mom says but dad shushes her in response

"it's okay, she won't hurt us."

dad walks closer towards the velociraptor raising his hand.

she backs away a little


he rotates his hand to face the other way and blue lays her jaw in it.

"blue, come with me." he says "we'll take you to a safe place, okay?"

she then chitters and looks away running off in the distance.

i'm just stood there watching the animal tears dripping from my eyes as mom limps down the steps wrapping my arms around both me, and dad.

WE'RE SAT IN THE CAR on the way back to dad's trailer after staying at a hotel for the night.

my headphones are plugged into my ipod as i listen to ian malcolm's most recent speech.

mom and dad both sat in the front, with me and maisie sat in the back.

mom said that she'd be staying with us for now; meaning we'd have to 'co-exist' but not just with her. the dinosaurs too.

"how many times do you have to see the evidence?" i hear a voice come through my headphones

"how many times must the point be made?"

"we're causing our own extinction."

my breath hitches at those words.

"too many red lines have been crossed, and our home has, in fundamental ways, been polluted by avarice and political megalomania."

"generic power has now been unleashed and of course that's gonna be catastrophic. this change was inevitable from the moment we brought the first dinosaur back from extinction."

i then think of jurrassic park, jurrassic world, henry wu and many more links to this crisis.

"we convince ourselves that sudden change is something that happens outside the normal order of things, like a car crash. or that's beyond our control like a fatal illness. we don't conceive of sudden, radical, irrational change as woven into the very fabric of existence."

"yet, i can assure you, it most assuredly is. and it's happening now."

"humans and dinosaurs are now gonna be forced to coexist."

i thought of that the second maisie let the dinosaur free into the world.

"these creatures were here before us. and if we're not careful they're gonna be here after."

maisie's looking out the window to her right and is staring out there for a particularly long few seconds.

"we're gonna have to adjust to new threats that we can't imagine."

i give in and look out of maisie's window.

and there i see.

pterodactyl's flying in between the sun.

yes, i may have lived on costa rica, but never in my life time i'd thought i'd see this.

it's a new normal.

"we've entered a new era."

he continues

"welcome... welcome to jurrassic world."

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