𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐭

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WE WATCH AS THE LAVA GLIDES ITS WAY ACROSS THE ISLAND. the dangers had increased massively as not only were we facing creatures being free but now we're facing a natural disaster.

the atmosphere slowly became hotter and more humid the longer we stood there.

"run!" i hear a familiar voice in the distance say

"run!" he says it again

i take no chances and begin running


i then hear a stampede of animals behind me and dad, mom and franklin trailing behind also.

creatures ran in between us and beside us all trying to earn the same victory we were.

god, it felt like my teacher nagging me to give in my history essay which i still haven't handed in yet.

we begin to run through a forest treading through plants and twigs.

"oh, my god." i hear my mom mutter

and not long after they i hear franklin's scream.

we all continue running as fast as we can as more dinosaurs start to follow us.

lava begins to throw itself at the ground and i almost step into it; luckily my dad pulls me away just in time.

we reach a knocked of tree and jump over the log to stand behind it so we can catch our breath.

dinosaurs were jumping over the log and pushing past it.

mom held onto dad and dad held onto me and franklin making sure we didn't go flying, god knows where.

the log begins to weaken and some other dinosaur push through it trying to reach the end of the island.

this all was chaos.

my screams echo through the atmosphere as one of the dinosaurs knock over some old gyrosphere which we were leaning on.

"go, go!" dad begs

mom and franklin make their way into the gyrosphere first buckling themselves in.

"get in!"

i'm staring off into the distance where i see a dinosaur coming towards both me and my dad, i back up a little and my dads arm is hovering over in front of me.

we stand behind the gyrosphere where it loses interest and goes to attack a triceratops.

it thrashes into the gyrosphere sending my mom and franklin upside down.

my dad grabs my upper arm and drags me out the way.

we both run towards the entrance of the gyrosphere and it closes at our arrival.

𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍; jurassic worldWhere stories live. Discover now