𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐲𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭

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"THE MOSASAURUS WAS THOUGHT TO HAVE hunted near the surface of the water, where it preyed on anything it could sink its teeth into," the woman spoke in front of the fairly large crowd that me, Zach, and Grey consisted of, "including turtles, large fish, and even smaller mosasaurus."

A dead shark hovers along the zip line with a very irritating sound.

"Okay, folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. She's a little shy, so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out." She explains staring at the crowd.

"Zach, Zach! The mosasaurs!" Gray is nudging his brother to get off of his phone to see the action.

The enormous creature dives out of the water and swallows the entire shark whole. Gray's mouth fell as if a dinosaur was tracking him.
The crowd is splashed as the mosasaurs drag the shark back under the water splashing the crowd.

"Gosh, she calls that shy?" I exclaimed, my face dripping with water.

"Oh, my god! That was awesome!"

"Hold on tight; we're going to give you an even closer look at our mosasaurs." Everyone cheers as the seats are lowered, giving the crowd an underwater view.

The creature was massive and ate the remains of the shark.

"It had 88 teeth!" Uttered Gray.

"Only 88?" I added, Smiling so hard, my cheeks hurt.

He continued to take pictures of the dinosaur until Zach asked us.

"Wanna see something else cool?"

"Yeah!" we both plead in unison.

It made me happy that in such a short amount of time, we all formed a somewhat close bond.

WE'RE ALL SAT ON THE MONORAIL, with me shoved in between Zach and Grey. Zach is chatting to some girls who are about his age; Grey is staring ahead in deep thought; and I'm staring at my already dirty Converse I got last week.

"If mom and dad get divorced, will one of us be with mom and the other be with dad?" Grey says out of the blue. I don't respond to him as it's not my place to talk about what's happening with Aunt Karen and them right now. Of course I had an idea of what it's like to have parents who don't talk anymore but it still wasn't my place.

"What? Why would you say that?" Zach questioned them, and they continued to talk about their parents future divorce.

To give them some space, I walk to the front of the monorail, watching as we speed past all the greenery, which I hardly knew about. The last time I explored the park in this much detail was when I was younger. My dad used to take me all around the park until I was capable of leading my way around alone, which I did try one day but got extremely lost and never did it again. So when my mom offered me to go around with Zach and Grey, I was beyond excited, not just for the VIP wristbands but to experience the park with them.

ONCE WE ARRIVED all three of us joined the VIP queue. We had to wait for a three-seater gyrosphere, which didn't take very long, and then we were finally seated in the gyrosphere with Grey in the middle, me on the right, and Zach on the left.

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