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"All right, get in. come on. Get in there." My mom gestures towards it.

"Hazel, come on." She encourages me.

"Can I sit with you?" I ask.

She just looks at me and nods.

"Get in the front." She tells me to smile at her.

"If you need me, I'll be right up front."
She says to the boys, "Just open that window, okay?"

"Put your seatbelts on." She then realises there were none. "Okay, so just hold hands." She shuts the doors.

I'm sitting in the car alone, fidgeting with my jacket, which is now stained with mud, when I hear the door open.

"Are you okay?" She asks me:

"Yeah, it's just a lot," I respond.

"Hey, when we get home, maybe me, your dad, and you can watch a movie together?" she offers

"I'd like that." I smile

"So why didn't you come back?" My mom asks me, referring to when I, Zach, and Gray were in the gyrosphere. It pained me to realise this was our longest conversation for a while.

"I don't know." I lie

She just hums at me and smiles.

"Well, at least you're okay," she reassures.

I'M SAT BESIDE MY MOM my head on her shoulder watching the footage of my dad riding a motorcycle chasing a pack of raptors.

"your boyfriend's a badass" i hear zach say from behind me

my mom just smiles to herself.

she then begins to watch the screen

"oh, my god." i hear my mom whisper

i close my eyes in hope to get some sleep.

i listen to the voices coming from the two boys in the back and my mother. i eventually fall asleep due to the lack of energy; then suddenly i'm awoken by my moms scream. she starts the car.

"just hold on back there." she shouts

a raptor then pokes its head though the window and we both scream.

"oh, my god!" i shout

the next moments a blur.

"are you boys okay?"

"did you see that?"

"i can't wait to tell mom." gray says excitedly

"please, no. do not tell your mother about that, ever."

"owen!" we hear the boys both scream

"we gotta get indoors. follow me." he says to my mom.

"you all right, hazel?" he asks me

"never better!" i respond

𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍; jurassic worldWhere stories live. Discover now