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two times in just one week? great.

nightmares were a usual occurrence between the four years i've been living in the cabin, and they were always the same.

aiden is fast asleep beside me, i smile as he breathes in and out.
i check the clock beside our king sized bed.

4:19am it reads.

even better, pitch black outside and i don't feel tired one bit.

i grab my hat, a coat, a book and a jacket then move a clump of snow out the way where i was planning to sit.

i had sat there reading for hours, in-fact until sunrise at about 7am.

at around 7:15, maisie leaves the cabin making her way towards the fire pit.

"hey, maisie." i greet

"hey, haze." i smile at the nickname and continue to read my book. my thoughts are interrupted when i hear maisie mutter:
"hey." which i assume she's talking to herself but she's not...

"you look just like blue." she states

i look up at the image and swear.

"holy shit."

i drop my books and start to slowly walk towards her and the raptor.

the raptor them gestures to the toast hovering in maisie's hand.

"this? you want to try it? okay." the second the raptor gets ahold of the toast she devours it.

i see another velociraptor come from behind the baby.


"oh, god. maisie, stand back." it then screeches at the both of us.

"maisie, hazel, don't move." i hear a new voice enter the area which was my dads.

he raises his hand facing blue.

"hey, girl. staying out of trouble." he wonders

"she had a baby. that's impossible." my stomach flips upside down at that thought.

maisie was right that is impossible.

just as maisie says that the raptor screeches at her.

"hey!" i scream at blue now holding my hand out like my father.

dad then points his finger at the raptor.
"back up." he orders

"she won't hurt us, right?"

"oh, you're damn right she will." dad tells the younger girl "just breathe. if you don't, she'll think you're scared."

"i am scared." the raptor screeches again

"nah. she doesn't need to know that." dad shakes his head at her and she turns to walk away with her child running beside her.

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