𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤

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ALL OF US STARRED DEAD-EYED AT THE INDOMINUS. With its nostrils extended, the dinosaur gave us a growling gaze.

"Run, run, run!" Hurried Gray.
"Shit!" Zach screams.

"Oh my god!" I yell.
Then it kicks the gyrosphere, sending us flying past the four dinosaurs we had seen two minutes ago as we keep spinning. We're hiding our heads, the three of us.

"Hold it together, guys."

Then the gyrosphere stops. Zach moves the control the opposite way, which results in something smashing against the glass.

We end up upside down. The controls are of no use.

"Is now a bad time to tell you guys I get motion sickness?" I reveal

None of them respond; they just watch.

"We're safe in here, right?" grey questions

"Yeah. They're totally safe," Zach reassured.

"Are you sure, Zach?" I was uneasy myself; I mean, we were hanging upside down.

His phone began to ring, and Zach tried to reach it; however, me and Gray were only focused on the dinosaur that remained in front of us.

It took the gyrosphere, twisted it around so it would be facing forward, and clawed the front.

It then attempted to put the gyrosphere in his mouth and continuously banged it against the ground. I look behind me to see all the glass beginning to shatter. Zach looks at me and nods, and my hand hovers over my seatbelt. He then unclips his and mine at the same time as I unbuckle mine. We all fall onto the floor, and before I can even get up, the indomnius slams the gyrosphere against the floor yet again, and after many attempts, we make a run for it.

"Go, go, go!"

It's chasing us, and I'm running faster than both of them.

"come on!" i shout

I then stopped myself.

"Crap, dead end." I state as all three of us faced the cliff.

We all turn around and see it coming closer to us.

"We're going to have to jump," Zach explains

"I can't," Gray doubts himself.

"Are you ready? One, two, come on!"

I grip onto Gray's upper arm, and we all jump.

We stay in the water until the dinosaur leaves, and I swim up to catch my breath.

We all crawl up towards the surface.

"You jumped." Zach chuckled, facing his brother.

"That was wicked!" I mention with a squeal.

Now let's hope it was over.

But I know for a fact my parents were going to kill me.

EDITED: 26/07/23

𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍; jurassic worldWhere stories live. Discover now