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owen grabs ahold of anything and shouts towards kayla
"what's the plan?"

"whatever happens! that's the plan!"
she screams back

"that's reassuring." i remark loudly fear painted all over my face

and she was right as we just came crashing into the floor or now know as ice.

and we jump right into action as owen opens the escape hatch taking kayla's hand pulling her up then she pulls mine pulling me up.

we carefully slide off the plane and onto the ice

"jesus, it's a bit cold." i speak up

"that was my baby." kayla begins

owen takes a step on the ice, it cracking at his sudden movement.

"where'd you learn to fly?" owen wonders

"uh, air force. legacy on my mama's side."

"yeah, i'm navy." owen informs her "and so, how'd you end up doing this?"

"i was a legit contract pilot for a grip, but it didn't exactly pay enough to be out here and sent money home, so i hit a few contacts for the more lucrative shady shit. honestly, i might be done with this line of work." she tells him

"is that why you're helping us?" i ask

she pauses for a moment

"i was there when they handed your girls off to biosyn. i could've said something, but i didn't. and when i saw their picture... it isn't enough to do nothing." she admits turning around to look at us but slips and owen catches her wrist

"thank you." owen appreciates

then a screech comes from behind us

"shit." i mutter

all three of us take our weapons out.

owen holding a knife, kayla holding a taser and me holding a knife also.

it's comes comes closer to us and we slowly back away.

it screeches again.

the ice cracks.

snapping all along the middle.

it looks at all three of us and dives down.

"no." kayla mutters

it circles around us under the ice.

"nope." and we all begin to run

owen jumps and falls in, he tries to swim back up but both me and kayla pull him.

we sit around the whole panting

"what an asshole." owen murmurs

and he spoke too soon as it was about to get worser than it already was as the dinosaur jumps up right in front of us.

"shit!" i scream and we all start running taking it in turns to climb up the ladder and over the railings running down the platform towards which we managed to close right in time.

kayla then tasers it away then pressing a button then the elevator moves down after looking at both me and owen.

"you good?" he asks us

"fine." i reply

"yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, i'm not shook at all. you?"

"nah. nah, no."

she takes the tracker out of her pocked handing it to owen.

"the ejection seat beacon. we'll find her." she says referring to claire

"okay. okay."

"you really love her, huh?" i cringe at the word love as hazel enters my thoughts

he nods "yeah."

"i get it. i like redheads too." i snort

"same here." i agree

WE TURN THE CORNER and follow alan grant who was leading the way upfront.


"that's it." he confirms

"alan, we need the code."

"let's try this thing." he offers holding a wristband towards the machine but a noise interrupts it.

"get down." ellie orders me and maisie

coming around the corner comes a man who i recognise to be ramsay cole, the head of communications in biosyn.

"thank god it's you..." they both begin to laugh

"this place is such a maze." ellie excuses themselves

"we were so confused. but i thought we were straight up lost, then you said station three, and i was like... we thought you said..." she rambles on

"do you have the sample?" he asks in a rush

"what're you talking about?" alan questions

"the DNA sample— do you have it? biosyn's responsible for the locust epidemic. dodgson's covering it up. you were right. i'm- i'm here to help you." he continues "do you have it?"

"yeah." ellie responds


he speeds over to the machine

"this pod will take you straight to the airfield. we have a plane ready to fly."

"ian told you about hexapod allies?" ellie asks

"no. i told him."

he leads them in


"okay, you guys go to go." he urges

"wait." alan holds looking in me and maisie's direction

"god.." i mutter as i stand up

"maisie, hazel." he motions for us to come over with his hand

"maisie lockwood." he looks at her in disbelief but then shrugs it off "go."

the pod closes and we take a seat.

"how are you? you all right?" alan asks us

"mhm, great." i say chewing on granola bar i slipped into my pocket yesterday morning, he then looks at maisie.

"not really, no." she replies

"hey, i, uh, knew your mom." and with that maisie sits up looking at ellie

"you did?" she asks

she hums

"yeah, a few years after hammond died, she came to my university to lecture, and... we became good friends."

"what was she like?"

"brilliant. light-years ahead of everybody else. and she had a conscience. while they were out building theme parks, well, she was determined to prove that genetic power could save lives."

"and i was her experiment." maisie interferes

"no." ellie shakes her head "she wanted a child more than anything. but she wanted you to have what she couldn't. a full life." maisie blinks

"i didn't know her for long. but i know she loved you very much." ellie finishes and maisie smiles at the thought

"hey, alan" i call "nice hat." i compliment

he chuckles tilting it forwards  "thanks."

then the lights shut off.

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