𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞

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ALL THREE OF US HIKED THROUGH THE WOODS, LOOKING FOR A WAY OUT. The mud squelched at every step we took; me and Zach trailed behind Gray as he began to walk in front. It wasn't long until he began to sprint forward and pick up a bloody and worn-out Jurassic World helmet. He started to breathe heavily as Zach snatched the helmet from the younger boy. We all looked around, checking for any predators. Zach and Gray spot an abandoned Jurassic World vehicle that was letting out electric bolts.

"Stay here," Zach says to us.

Grey follows him either way, and so do I.

We all investigate the vehicle until my eyes catch a small entrance.

"Hey guys, you might want to check this out." I tell them

Both me and Zach push open the door to reveal some of the remains of Jurassic Park. I walk around the area, analysing every bit of it, and I hear something behind me.

"You still have those matches?" zach asks

"Here you go." Gray hands them to him.

He lights up the torch and continues walking through the ruins. Mom and dad always talked about this place, and whenever I brought it up, they asked me to never ask again. I did my research. I know the history. and it amazed me but also shocked me.

Some people disagreed with Jurassic World, as it may end up like Jurassic Park once did, and I feared today would be the day history repeated itself.

Zach traced his fingers along a picture of a velociraptor and continued to walk ahead.

I stand and stare at it. It reminded me of my dad's raptor pen, which he only let me visit a few times.

"Hazel!" Zach spoke.

"Coming," I replied.

We continued to walk through the area.

"1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Sand Beige." Grey points out

"You remember when we fixed up Grandpa's old Malibu, right?" Zach questions his brother.

"Yeah," he responds.

I'M SITTING ON A ROCK, trying to get my phone to work so I can call my parents while Zach and Gray work on the car.

The phone kept letting the line ring, but it was still no use, so I raised my head to face the sibling duo.

"You think it's out there?" Gray speaks up, looking at his brother.

"I mean, I know for a fact that it is definitely not out there, all right? We're totally safe." Zach reassured Gray.

"Here, go take this. You're stronger than me."

Zach and Gray walk towards the car to try to get it started, and just as they begin walking, my phone call is still not going through, but I look in the corner to see the dreaded words 'no signal' .

"All right. Turn it over."

Then the engine starts.


"It works!"

"Let's go home, finally." I mentioned shoving my phone into my pocket.

I sit at the back and hear Grey ask

"I thought you failed your driving test."

"Only the driving part." Zach responds with a grin. I let out a breathy laugh.

ZACH'S DRIVING WASN'T THAT BAD, TO BE FAIR. We were driving in a straight line, and we drove into some gates, which burst open for us. We are all just continuously laughing.

"Okay, that's it. We're safe now." zach repeats

"Go, go, go!" Gray screams

"What?" I screamed back.

"Oh, shit!" Zach panics trying to make the car go faster.

"Hurry up!"
We're just about to come up to the gate, and Zach and Grey begin to scream and shout.

"Open the gate!"

"Let us in!"

I'm sure we'll bring chaos with us as pterodactyls begin to roam the area.

"No, no, no!" I began to shout repeatedly

"Stop running!" I hear Zara say from behind us as we approach the entrance of the park.


"Don't just stand there!" Zara shouts before getting dragged in the air by a pterodactyl.

The pterodactyl drops her into the mosasaur exhibit, where we had been earlier that day.

We watch her get thrown around until the mosasaurs eat both her and the pterodactyl.

"Go, go! Get inside!" Zach demands, rushing the two 11-year-olds in front of him.

We continue running.

"Aunt Claire!"


"Mom!" I scream looking for my mother.

I get separated from my two cousins and run towards my parents to witness my mom shoot the pterodactyl and help him up. She then kissed him, so now I know they're back together.

"It's them," she states.

I run towards my dad and greet him with a hug.

"Oh, my god, dad, you should've been with us; it was wicked." He lets out a small chuckle. "The indominus started smashing out gyrospheres against the floor. and bam!" I imitate an explosion noise.

"Wait, how do you know about the Indominus?" He asks me

"Overheard mom." I smirked at him.

He just chuckled.

We walk over to my mom, Zach, and Gray.

"Who's that?" Zach asks.

"We work together," Mom replies.

"Mom, we've got to go," I say as she turns me


"Come on, come on!"

EDITED: 26/07/23

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