𝐭. 𝐫𝐞𝐱

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WE'RE SAT IN THE TRUCK DRIVING THROUGH THE REMAINS OF JURASSIC WORLD. in a sense it brought deja vú from my first time on the island. arriving after my parents got the jobs.

franklin begins spraying his lower arms bug spray which seemed to irritate everyone. he seemed ten times more paranoid than me at this current moment.

i squished between my mom and dad and my leg is continuously bouncing awaiting to arrive at our destination.

"need some bug spray?" franklin offers

"bug spray?" he repeats

"the t.rex would be dead by now, right?" he continues

"no, it's impossible to know the max lifespan of a clone in a completely different environment. take a caveman that would've lived 20 years. feed him prime meals, give him healthcare, he's gonna love five times as long." zia informs him

while listening to the interaction i lay my head onto my moms shoulder and she glances at me;
probably giving me the 'you shouldn't be here look' but in general i'm glad i came, if i didn't i would've never known what would've happened today.

"so, she'd be dead by now? right?" franklin assumes letting out a unsure smile

suddenly an alarm goes off and the truck begins to move.

we drive through the main area of the park and i don't even bother to look through the window but i know that my parents would be.

"bad memories?" ken wheatley asks

"some were good." my dad replies

my mom doesn't respond but instead just fiddles with my blonde hair.

then there's a thud outside

"what was that?" franklin panics

i lift my head off my moms shoulder

"is it the t.rex?.."

zia then looks out the window

"i have to see this." she says eagerly

"hey! miss? miss! this area is not secured."

we all exit the truck then look up

a brachiosaurus about half  the height of the visitor centre.

my mom walks past me and my dad and towards zia putting both hands on her shoulders.

"look at that." she states in shock

"never thought i'd see one in real life." she doubts

"she's beautiful."

the creature makes her way across the path.

𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍; jurassic worldWhere stories live. Discover now