Trost part 2

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'Today is the day. The wall gate in Trost was just broken, and everyone is freaking out

I was helping another cadet and Armin fill up our ODM gear tanks when I noticed that Eren and the others were back. 'Good, they all made it back in one piece. I mean...I knew they would.'
After Eren comes over to Armin to stop him from panicking, I get close to him and say. "Armin."
"Yes?" he answers in a nervous voice.

"I don't plan on dying today. However, if something happens to Me. In my room, I have a book; take it."

"What? Why?" Armin asks, probably scared that I'm giving him the 'will and testament of Y/n' speech right now
"Please, just do as I say. And Hey, and if I live, then it doesn't matter." I laugh, trying to lighten the mood a little
"Okay, if that's what you want. I'll do as you ask." Armin says, looking at me with a sad and suspicious expression.
I smile softly. 'I knew Armin would be the perfect person to pick for this.' "Thank you, Armin."

I turn my attention to the other cadet we are working with at the moment.
"Cassie, focus!"
"I'm sorry, I'm just so scared. I don't wanna die!" The other cadet says.
"You're not going to die. And if you do...cut up that titans belly and give it hell." I say with a giant and teasing smile.
She stopped shaking as much.
"Thank you, Y/n. You always know what to say."
She gives me a bitter smile as she continues to finish our job.
'I just hope they assign me somewhere where I can easily help Eren and Armin if I need to. I mean, once again, I know they will be okay, but maybe I can help other cadets from not dying.'

"ALL CADETS LINE UP!" Caption Kitz Woermann yells
'I hate that guy.'

*after given stations*
"You ready, Marco?" I ask him as we begin to make our way to our stations
"Kinda. I'm scared, and nervous."
"Don't be, you stay with understand?"
"Yes, I'll stay close."
"Good, let's go." I finish. 'I won't let you die a tragic death this time. I have to ensure I am with him after we find Eren and the scene with the giant rock takes place.' I honestly don't know how this will affect the story...but I don't care. I have said it before, and I will say it again. I'm doing things my way. We all began making our way to the different places we were assigned.

Marcos POV
Y/n is so strong, and not just physically, but emotionally too. She doesn't seem nervous at all. I wish we had talked more during our time as cadets.
But...she seems a little too determined to stay close to me. I mean, we are fighting titans; we can't wait to be close to each other and be a burden to each other.

Y/n POV:
I can feel Marco looking at me like he wants to ask me something. 'Damn, he is probably confused about why I'm making a fuss about staying together. I mean, I didn't say the same thing to the others in our squad. I know nothing has happened yet, but I have to

I ignore him and continue walking.
Eren and Armin's squad are getting ready to move out.
It's time...
I can see the fear in my comrades' I take the initiative to give them some courage.
"Alright, everyone! I know this is not how we wanted to end our days as cadets, but this is what we trained for! We have to stay strong! What we do today will define what happens to all the lives inside the walls! So, are we going to cry and give up? Or fight with our lives, so other children don't have to watch their parents and loved ones get eaten?!"
"Yes, ma'am!" I get a fast and loud response to that, and I smile. 'This may not help them live, but you can't do anything if you're too afraid to move.' 
I turn around, and we begin walking out.
'I hope we look cool walking out and not like baby chicks.... we probably look like baby chicks.'

Erens POV
I hear every word of y/n's speech, and I feel like I might cry. 'So, she knows that pain.'
Y/n was not one to talk about her family or really anything about her life before the fall of wall Maria. I guess if she lives through this, we can talk some more.

Armins POV
I can see the determination in Y/n's eyes as she tries to give her comrades a little bit of encouragement before we walk into a fight to the death.
'But just a few minutes ago, she asked me to take something from her room if anything happened to her. What if she lives and I die? Telling me would have been pointless. It's not like she knows I'll live.'

We begin running on rooftops and flying through the streets, heading to areas where they need help. I make sure to keep Marco in my view at all times. I have already taken down two titans with the help of my squad, and we haven't lost anyone yet. 'But we have to stay focused.
As time goes on and we start to run out of gas, I begin to get paranoid. 'I haven't lost anyone in my squad yet. Thank goodness, but I know so many others have died.' We were able to help a few cadets from being eaten. And then I see it—the retreat signal. Of course, I know that no one is coming to help with the retreat... "Alright, everyone! Let's try to find the others so we can work together, make it back to the tower, and refill our gas and get the hell out of here!"
'I got a good squad. If they join the scouts with me, I hope to become their squad leader someday.'

After finding everyone, we are all just sitting there. I found Annie's squad, so I know Armin is around them, and I don't see Mikasa yet.
"My squad, listen up! The supply Depot has abandoned us! We don't have gas, and it will be nearly impossible to make it back alive! However, if you follow me, you will have a better chance of survival! I cannot save your life and won't pretend to be your savior, but if we do this together, we may survive!

Before we can begin to move out, that is when Mikasa shows up and asks about Eren. And to be honest...seeing Armin cry like that is the saddest thing I have ever seen. I couldn't hear him well because we were a couple of rooftops away, but it was easy to hear his sobs.
And then Mikasa says how we all are a bunch of cowards. 'That speech is so much cooler in person! I may have just fallen in love with her. Haha'
She flies off, and I say,
"Hahaha! You hear that?! She called us cowards! You gonna let her talk to you like that?! Or are you gonna show her how much Titan ass we have been kicking!?"
"YAYYYY!!!"  my squad yells, and so many others start to follow Mikasa and Jeans' lead.
'We can do this! We can make it back!'

We finally make it back to the supply depot. I thankfully still have all my squad members, including the ones we helped before the signal was given.
'Damn, I'm good.'
I did have to take down two or three Titans along the way, but it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. Maybe we were just lucky.
'And that's probably right, but no matter what, we are here. But the screams.... they are horrendous. The worst thing I have ever heard in my life, but we couldn't stop! We had to keep going! If we had stopped, we would have given up! '
Everyone else started coming into the windows, and I knew it was only a matter of time before Armin, Mikasa, and Connie come crashing through.
'We just need to wait till then.'

I turn to see Jean standing there next to the giant hole in the wall with two titans staring at him. I run over to him and try to move him out of the way
'I know he will be okay. It was just making me uncomfortable seeing him be so close to them.' and I feel like I won't be able to rely so much on the plot as things continue. When I change things, it will become more unpredictable.

*a giant fist*
"WHAT!?" jean yelled
I am just surprised. I know I have said this before, but DAMN this shit is so much cooler and scarier in person!
I then hear another sound, and I turn around and see them.
"That was close! I was running on fumes!"
"Oh, thank goodness you guys are okay!" I yelled.
Running to them and hugging Armin and Connie. Knowing Mikasa would just move out of the way, which she did.

"We are okay, Y/n," Armin says with a little blush on his cheeks.

Connie and Mikasa were now telling Jean about the 'abnormal titan.'

"And the best part is he doesn't give a crap about us!"

After Armin lays out his plan on how to take out the smaller titans in the basement, I walk up to Armin and say, "I believe in you. I know that whatever plan you come up with, it will work." I look over to Armin. "She's right," Mikasa says, and I nod and walk away so they can have their moment.

Thank you for continuing to read this story. I hope you enjoy it. 😊❤️

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