It begins

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Captain Levi is back, and Hange is not here.
'This is it. Today is the day.'
I know that if we go to Trost, that is when we will find Kenny, and that fight begins.
'I'm still too banged up to be of any help, but I'm pretty sure I can move around in my ODM gear if I have to. I also have a plan. It may not be a good one, and I'm not sure how everything will play out, but it's worth a try.'

My mind is running a mile a minute, and I've been shaking all day. To calm my nerves, I do some stretching exercises till I hear a knock on my room door.
I continue my exercises, thinking it is one of my friends, when I look to see Levi.
"Captain?" I turn to him and salute.
"It's fine." He says calmly.
I put my hands down and asked, "what can I do for you?"

"Nothing, really. Just want to check on you and see how you are doing." He says, sitting down in a chair.
"I am fine, captain. My recovery should be about five to six weeks now, but I am doing what I can to keep my strength up." I confidently say as I sit down on the side of my bed.
He looks up at me with eyes that make me feel chilled.
"I can see when you sit down, you lower yourself at an angle, and you still keep your broken leg straight out."
'He noticed all of that by watching me sit?'
I respond, "You are right, Captain Levi. I have more cracked ribs on one side than the other, so it's easier to sit doing that, and I have been working on moving my leg and ankle without the brace so I can get used to the mobility again."

'I have also been doing chest stretches like earlier, and Sasha has been messaging my ribs and other areas; it's supposed to help too. But I'm too embarrassed to say that out loud.'
"Sounds like you are working hard." He says, still unmoving from the chair.
'I feel that is not the only reason he is here. But what does he want?'
"Yes, sir, I can't let everyone else fight while I kick back and rest," I say, it probably wasn't the most intelligent response, and I already know what he will say back.
"But you're not kicking back. You are recovering from something you are lucky to be alive from." He says, and I can feel a slight coldness in his voice.
'Called it.'

"I understand, captain. I won't overdo it." I say back.
He continues to look at me, and I become more nervous.
"Is something wrong?" I ask.
"No." He says, standing up and walking out the door, not saying another word.
'He didn't say it. I know he wanted to say something...but what?'

I know Levi is not the type of man to say what is on his mind. He only says what is absolutely necessary.
I let out a deep sigh, and soon I hear multiple people come into the cabin saying something. I stand up and start wobbling my way to the sound. When I get downstairs, everyone starts to gather.
"What going on?" I asked Eren who was the closest besides Levi, who I'm guessing just got there too.
"It's paster Nick. He...was killed." Eren says, clearly shocked.

My eyes widen, and my bad leg gets out from under me.
"Ah!" I let out a whimper of pain, and I was about to fall down the stairs when an arm wrapped around me stopped me. I look up, thinking it was Eren since he was right there. But it wasn't.

"Captain?" I hear Eren say, holding out his hands as if he was ready to catch me.
Levi's left arm is wrapped around my right side, and his chest is breaking my fall, but the oddest part is his right hand is out, pushing Erens arms away.
'He...stopped Eren from helping? What the hell?!'
I grab the railing to the stairs and support my weight, and the captain lets go of me.

"Thank you, Captain Levi," I say. I couldn't even try to smile or make a specific expression. He walks down the two steps he magically appeared on,
"It's fine, be careful next time." He says, going to the dining room where we will all gather.
We all stand there for a minute before remembering why we are all there and start to walk after him.

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