Peace....for now (& some smut)

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A/n: (this chapter has smut! Ahhhh! I can't believe we are finally at the love/hot scenes!)

It's been three days since my trial and also three days since the last time I saw anyone I knew...besides for Historia and Hange.
Hange comes to me when she is done with Eren's hardening ability training, and Historia comes to me with and for advice on what she should do for the country.
I'm not much help with any of that. I already know what she'll do, and I don't want her to think she did these things because I told her she could or would.
She is a strong woman, and her contributions to this place should feel like her own.
Hange, on the other hand, has been getting on my last nerve. Saying shit like, "See anything fun for me in the future?" or "What's for dinner tonight?"
I don't know if she's trying to do it to piss me off, or that's just another Hange cork.

I also haven't seen any of my fellow scouts, and I'm starting to feel a little homesick without them.
I would never have thought that when my life was in danger, and I had time to myself, I would want to listen to Connie and Sasha's random conversations, Jean's unnecessary yelling voice, and crass behavior.
Or Marco, just knowing he was next to me and had my back, and lastly, the trio of main characters.
'You forgot one.' the voice in the back of my head sneaks itself into the front of my mind.
'Oh yeah...him.'
I haven't been trying to think of him for a while now.
It's not like he did anything wrong, but I just feel like I need to step away from that side of this situation.
I care for him, I do. But I don't know how he feels for me, and expecting something from him with only a couple of kisses in high-stress situations is not exactly a confession of love or affection.
'But it's the fact that he did kiss you that matters. When have you known Levi to kiss someone just cause the pressure is hot?'
The apparently delusional voice says. And I sigh out my annoyance and confusion.

After a few minutes, a knock is heard on the door of the room Hange put me up in.
Thinking it was just Historia since Hange would have just walked in. I call for her to come in.
"Come in,"
I'm sitting at my desk, looking over some papers Historia and I were looking over last time she was here as the door opens, and I turn to greet her.
"How was your day? Hist..."
My sentence is stopped short by a crowd of familiar faces.
"Everyone..." we all stare at each other for a moment.
"Y/n..." Sasha's voice finally breaks through the silence, and I am jumping out of my chair and running into her arms.
The others huddling around us into one big group hug.
"Oh, Y/n, you have no idea how much Connie cried when we found out what happened to you!"
"Of course I did! We love you!"
"It's good to see that you are healing well."
"How could you make us worry so much!"
I am overcome with all the comments and concerns of my fellow scouts friends. I am so overcome with happiness that I allow a few tears to fall down my cheeks.

Once we all have calmed down, everyone makes themselves comfortable around me, and I get a good look at them all.
Connie, Sasha, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Armin, Marco, Historia, Hange, and finally...Levi.
It's a full room, and I can tell they have a lot of questions.
" are you?" Armin breaks the ice.
I can tell everyone feels a little awkward about everything. And I don't blame them. They probably think I'm a liar and that they can't trust me.
"I'm okay...I look worse than I am."
"And you look like shit," Jean comments, not being able to hold himself, before getting a smack to the back of his head from Marco.
I laugh, adding, "You are right about that. I made the mistake of looking in the mirror and...damn." this makes some of them smile sheepishly or try to cover a giggle.
"So why did you do it?" Sasha says, and I have to admire her getting to the point that everyone wants to get to.
I give a half smile before starting.

"Well, it started a year before Wall Maria fell. I woke up not knowing a thing about who I was or where I was. It was a pretty terrible feeling. Having others around you call you a name you don't know, people saying they are your family when you know for sure you have never seen them before in your life."
I take a breather, then continue in the silent room.
"As time went on, I got used to my life, the family I had. And I asked questions to learn more about where I was and who I was. Six months after that, the visions started. It wasn't much at first, just little pictures of something I didn't understand, like when you get déjà vu. Seeing something before, but you can't tell when or where."
I look up to the trio and look back down in my own disappointment.

Please don't get to close to me. Levi x reader Where stories live. Discover now