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'If I stay on this route, I may catch up to them, and I won't be able to save Ness, but...' 
It's then that I see her. There she is in all her beautiful glory.
"Annie," I say out loud. I tried to grab another abnormal flair, but as luck would have it, I dropped it.
"DAMNIT!" I say out of frustration.
I can't see anyone behind her yet, but I'm sure Armin and the others are following.
I am slowly getting closer, and I begin to see one small figure and then a flair going up
"JEAN!" I call out, and he turns to see me. And then I see Armin and Reiner.
"Y/n!" Jean calls back, and I catch up to him.
"What the hell happened to you?!" Jean asks, concerned.
"The right side is completely wiped out; we have to catch up to the others!" I call back, continuing to make it to Armin.
We get there, and Armin talks about the horde and how she brought them with her. I try to think fast because I know what's next that will play a significant role later...but then I stop...' what if that doesn't happen and we don't have that for later. What if my stopping him will only make things worse.'
I am pushed out of my thoughts by Armin
"Y/n?" I shook my head up, and the expression on Armin's face has me confused.
"What did you say, Armin?" I say, a little panicking
"It's no use talking to her right now, Armin. She is probably in shock from what happened?" Jean says before Armin repeats himself.
"What happened?" I hear Reiner ask; at that moment, my blood runs cold. I want to yell at him and say, 'this is all your fault!' And 'what happened?! Annie happened!'
But I can't. I turn my head down, and the three of them look at me with many different emotions.
Pity, shock, confusion, and suspicion.
'Wait...suspicion?' I look at the gaze, and it is Armin.
I turn my head back down 'don't look at me that way, Armin. Not you, of all people.'
It's then that I notice the conversation has turned to where Eren is, but Armin just says, "that's weird; maybe they wanted to make sure Erens location remains secret."
"Do you know where the safest place would be?" Reiner asks.
"I can think of a couple of places, but it's too hard to tell which position Captain Levi's squad is placed" Armin answers.
'Wait? He doesn't say?' I panic and look up at Armin. His eyes are forward, and He has a serious look on his face.
"Armin! Nows, not the time to be chasing our own tails!" Jeans says, changing the subject.
They then talk about how we need to go and take her down.
I say loud enough for them to hear, mostly to myself.
"We can't take her down." I am looked at with another round of shocked and confused faces. And Reiner says to Jean how he understands what it means to fight back and why to do so.
And it helped me come out of my current state of mind.
"FUCK IT!" I yell out, and Armin tells us to put our hoods up.
"Armin, I knew you were brilliant," Jean says, putting up his hood.
We begin to make our positions.
Jean jumps to try and cut Annie's heel, and she turns, stopping him and then hitting Armin's horse out from under him. Armin goes flying, and I turn around after him.
"ARMIN!" I yell. Hooking myself to Annie's shoulder muscles. Jean is doing the same
"Damn you, An!!"
I stop myself from calling her out and rush in.
We both come in, wrapping around her as she tries to cover her nape. She balls her fist to hit jean then Armin calls out.
"Don't let that suicidal maniac die in vain! She killed him!"
I take this moment to drop to the ground and land safely. Reiner jumps to "take her out," and she grabs him. "Crushing him," only for a second later to come spinning out blades and all. Taking Armin and we all begin running in the opposite direction. And she turns to the center, where Eren is. 'How did he know?'

After running for a while, we stop to catch our breaths and patch up Armin.
'He did hurt himself pretty bad.'
"We can't keep going till jeans horse comes back," Reiner says while putting bandages on Armin. For some reason, after jumping onto Annie, my horse ran off and hasn't been back.
While I sit against a tree, not saying or doing anything...I am not sure what to do. I feel like I am losing it. 'Why didn't I have this meltdown back in Trost? It's not like this is any different...wait, but it is.'
I look up into the open plain 'we had cover before, and we didn't have to fight something that could protect itself. That was easy mood, and right now, we are on medium to hard.'
Jean fired his emergency flair, and soon Christa is riding up to us with both mine and Jean's horse. 'Lucky break.' I stand up, knowing it is time to go.
I get on my horse, waiting for everyone to snap out of seeing her as an angel. 'I mean...I get it.'
We ride and ride, making closer to the forest.

Eren POV
'I wonder how it really is, and I have a feeling the frontlines have taken a big hit.'
"An oral message! It seems the right-wing spotters have been wiped out!"
'The spotters!? But that's where Y/n was in the outliers! and Armin wasn't too far in after that!
It's then we see a smoke flair of black
"An abnormal!" I call out
'Under that smoke. Someone is fighting.'

Y/n: POV
We finally make it to the forest, and we are riding up the side.
"All soldiers halt!" We stop and are told that we are staying here in the trees.
Jean begins to question our senior scout, and he tells us all the follow orders and jumps into the trees.
"What's the hell going on?" Jean says, and everyone looks just as confused.
We sit in the trees, me with my head against the tree listening to Jean and Armin talk.
"I'm not gunna start a mutiny, not yet, at least," Jean says.
"5-meter titan approaching!" We look ahead and see it running to the forest.

Armin POV:
'Why did the commander take us here? I can't understand it. Wait... that's not it. The question I should be asking is if the female titan is looking for Eren, does Commander Erwin know? If you think about it, if the titan is after Eren, then the reason we are here is cause the commander wants to find the titan.'
"Armin," I look at Jean, who has called my name, and he asks if we have to kill titans only if they try to come into the forest.
I don't answer, but I know everyone understands. It's then I turn to my left and see y/n. She is not looking at the titans but the landscape in front of the forest. She doesn't seem to be looking at anything coming this way, but I can tell she is not paying attention to what is below her.
'Why is she like this? I have never seen this side of her. It's like she is trembling and has given up, but she doesn't look like she is sad or depressed. Just...unsure.' 
It makes me think about what she has asked of me not just once but twice now. 'Something important in her room, like a family heirloom or a book? Wait...a book...' A memory flashes in my head from our days as cadets.

*mini flash*
I'm making my way back from the mess hall to the boys' barracks. 'We didn't see y/n at the mess hall. I wonder if she is okay.'
Then I see her; she is sitting by a tree looking off into the distance, I can't see any emotions on her face, but she has this faraway look in her eyes. Like she is remembering something from long ago.
I walk up to her, and she turns her head.
"Hey." That is all she says, and she turns her head back to where it was before.
"You didn't eat dinner today," I say.
"Wasn't hungry." Her answer is void of emotions, and I feel like I have done something wrong. Trying to change the subject, I look at her lap and see a brown notebook, a pen, and ink resting on top of it.
"What's that?" I ask out of pure curiosity.
She looks down at the book and just says,  "something important." Before looking away.
"Y/n, are you okay? You don't look good." I say
'I'm concerned.'
She looks me in my eyes and says, "I'm okay, Armin, I promise."
'I don't believe her.'
I stand up and say, "Alright, well, I hope you eat something and get some rest."
"Thank you, Armin, you are always so kind." She gives me a weak smile before standing up and walking in the opposite direction to the girls' barracks. I watch her go uneasily.

'It's that book. The book, she said, was important. Y/n has always been withdrawn, but to say that something was important and to tell me about it three times has to mean something.' I also remember the conversation about Erens location and the look on her face. At that moment, I had the feeling that I shouldn't say, so I was vague in what I said. And then, looking at her again was worse. She looked as if something had gone wrong. Like...she knew something.

She turns her head to the right just a little, and I finally see it. Her eyes she doesn't have the strength to fight.
She feels completely defeated. My heart fills with dread, 'if she has given up, what does that say for the rest of us?' I look around at everyone else.

"I'll be fine." Not expecting to hear her speak, I turned my head around so fast; any faster, and I would have broken it.
"What?" That is all I say. Dumbfounded,
'She has hardly spoken since we find her.'
"If you keep staring at me, how can I not notice." She turns to me
"I'll be fine, I promise." That is all she says. Finally, looking down at the titans gathered around us.
'What are you hiding? And what happened before we found you?'

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