Historia's Queen and I'm a prisoner

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It's dawn, and our squad is watching the soldiers fire canons at lord Riess's titan. I'm still upset I wasn't in the meeting where they talked about the plan on how we are going to stop it, but seeing it happen, I do remember this much and know the cannons won't do anything.
"The cannons on the wall have a way better angle, and they didn't work." Levi talks with Erwin.
Being in Levi's squad is honestly freaking scary. Levi trusts Erwin, and Erwin loves to gamble. I have a feeling that soon I will be a part of one. And more than likely, I won't make it out alive.
"Erwin! I brought the goodies!" Hange calls to our commander, and we see all the gunpowder, ropes, and netting she could get her hands on.
Erwin gives out orders, and a few of my scout members follow Levi to do something that obviously I don't know about. I guess I'm meant to stay, and I begin helping everyone set up the ropes and barrels of gunpowder.
Putting one on top of another, I feel pain from somewhere on my body.

I still haven't recovered entirely, and all this fighting hasn't been conducive to a healing environment.
'Yeah, like anyone in this world would have the time to heal from their wounds before fighting again. That's the life of AOT.'
I look over and see Eren and Armin talking, "They are just like we were...on that day."
'Ah, so this is this conversation.' I return to my work, letting the main characters have their moment.
"How are you feeling?" His voice sends my body into an instant fight or flight. I turn to head up to Commander Erwin. He is looking down at me with a stoic expression.
"I'm fine, Commander Erwin." I stand up to address him and feel another wave of pain somewhere, but I try my best to hide it.
"I hear you were badly injured a few weeks ago, and yet you helped rescue Historia and Eren." His not really questioning me but stating facts, and I have nothing else to say but, "Yes sir, but I'll heal soon enough."

He eyes me, and I sense a feeling of a memory come to mind. I felt like he didn't trust me, or he wanted to ask me something that would make me nervous..but what was it?
"If you have the time. After all, this is over; I would like to get your perspective on something that's been on my mind." He turns from me to look out at the Titan making its way to us, and I look that way too. Missing the glance back at me, he does.
"I'll help however I can, sir," I tell him.
I don't really want to, but I can't just tell him no and expect him to answer, "Ha, you have spirit."
He is an army commander in a time when any information could mean life or death. He will beat intel out of people if necessary.

Soon Reiss is at the wall and pulling himself up to a standing position. And us scouts get ready.
"What the hell!?" I yell as someone dumps a bucket of water over my head, and I am soaking wet.
"Sorry, I knew you didn't know we were told to do this," Sasha says, coming from behind me with a bucket, and yet again, I am covered in water. Connie is now coming to my side. "Got to make sure you get nice and wet." He winks with his own empty bucket.
I sigh, smiling and saying okay as they take me to get into position, and we wait for orders as Eren is transforming on top of the wall.
When Erwin fires off his signal flare, the two ODM gear-styled barrels shoot at the titan's hands and blow up parts of his wrists to make him lose some balance. When they do that, Eren takes off in a sprint throwing the big bag of gunpowder we drove into its nonexistent mouth, and we wait for a moment.
It's then I remember the plan and yell, "YES!"
Just as the barrels explode and the Titan blows up into giant chunks of flesh. Knowing what to do, I turn away before anyone else and take off, jumping off the wall and chasing after pieces of titan meat. One by one, I cut them, and I see a piece that is bigger than the rest, 'that's Historia's,' and my gaze shifts to another.

After all the pieces are taken care of, we are ordered to help clean up everything, and preparations for Historia's coronation begins. As we are helping set up banners, I think about Levi and what he is doing right now. By now, I'm sure he has learned that Kenny was his Uncle, and he gave him the Titan juice.
'Ha...titan Juice.'

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